'Hey all, well I a recently got a Hufman algrorithm for BASIC. Sadly it 'was made only for PowerBasic and I use QuickBasic. Could some of you 'guys out there with both QB/PB experience possibly modify the code ?? "A SIMPLE STRING TO BE ENCODED USING A MINIMAL NUMBER OF BITS""In: ""Out: ""New: "'********************************************************************** ' Huffman Encoding File Compression Technique ' ' From: R Sedgwick. Algorithms. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. ' 1984. Second Ed. pp 286 / 93. ' ' Converted to Power Basic by M. Rosenberg CI$: [73707,2545] ' ' Count the frequency of each character in the message to be encoded (P. 287) ' Initialize the heap array to point to non-zero frequency counts (P. 290) ' Construct an indirect heap on the frequency values (P. 289) ' Construct the trie (P. 290) ' Reconstruct the information from the representation of the coding tree (P.291) ' computed during the sifting process. ' Use the computed representations of the code to encode the string (P. 292) "" : Hold$="""0"' Add a byte at the end that contains any left-over bits "0"'********************************************************************** ' Unpack compressed string into character representation of binary "" : NewText$="""0"' Decode compressed string 'All done 'Huffman ' Build and maintain an indirect heap on the frequency values (P. 139) ' reversing the inequalities since we want the smallest values first. 'PqDownHeap '********************************************************************** "1"'Bin2Int