
Full Version: OpenBASIC 0.2 released
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OpenBASIC is a compiler that takes code similar to FreeBASIC and QuickBASIC and compiles it on many different platforms. It's main goal is not speed (for now) but rather, cross-platform compiling and OOP (Object Oriented Programming).




It has barely any functionality at this point. I've disabled graphics so that I could work on console mode (which is almost done). Feel free to test it though.

For now, all console mode functions work, except Print View, Window, and Input (but Line Input works) as far as I know. If there are other console functions I'm not aware of, and they aren't working in openbasic, let me know!

Most simple control keywords like If, Dim, For, While, Do, etc work. Inkey$ works but multikey does not in console mode!

Keywords are case-insensitive.


For Windows, you should install the win32-mingw package. Otherwise, download mingw32 yourself and install pdcurses.

For any other OS, download the source, compile it with the makefile, go into obc.ini and delete the OS blocks that are not yours (like win32 and macosx for example, if you are on linux).

Run "./obc" (or just obc if you are on windows) to see options and usage.


Based on gcc? A very smart move. Looking forward to further updates.