
Full Version: *another* QB Colony question...
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I fear that this will be one of those posts I make that'll not get responded to, but how in your opinion is QB Colony doing so far. Is it satisfying you and giving you what you've been asking for since the way it was before? Or am I still going in the wrong direction?
I voted yes. However, I *mostly* visit on update. Sometimes, if I'm busy when I hear the news, I never get around to it. But yes, I do visit.
How often do I visit per month? Probably 8-10 times. Not only on updates. Since you're the only site that's still alive and does reviews (*ahem*, QBNews...), I come to you to see if you have anything to say on a certain website. I also come to see if you've reviewed my site yet. :wink:
In the right direction...Well, in one way yes and in one way no. I think that your reviews are excellent, but IMHO you should try to put some of the best QB files up there too. Like QB 4.5, QB 1.1, QBWrite, Nibbles, etc. etc. with all the QB legends. If your webspace/bandwidth doesn't permit this, then get a mirror site at http://www.freewebs.com/ and put all your downloads there. Bandwidth is not that plentiful, but if you post files smaller than 5 MB or so you'll be OK.
I'm not the only site that does reviews and is still alive. GBGames is just on sort of a vacation, and VPlanet has been around since before QBColony and is not dead. They're probably doing waaaaaaay better than me at this point.
GBGames is on vacation since two years ago Tongue

Your site is very cool. Anyhow, I like to read, so I'd suggest you to make longer articles (they are usually very short).
I wanna get into reviewing games at QBNZ, but I just don't have the time at the moment...

But I think it's good that *someone* reviews them... at least with QBColony and VPlanet doing them we can get two different opinions, and at least with QBColony we know who to complain to... :wink:
I honestly thought that there were more QB Game review sites than there really are. The only ones I've heard of now are VPLanet, GBGames and Lovely Pressure (I think Kentauri does too)... I'm planning on expanding so I can possibly be more than just a review site. I'm gonna make sure though that QB Reviews are the main thing so I don't get off track...
Maybe I'll be another one soon... Or maybe people could start writing reviews for the e-zine...