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I couldn't find the problem in my othe post... maybe it's not my post.

Anyway, I'm keeping an archive of all of the entries here, they'll go on QBNZ in the weekend. But keep submitting guys, these are really good!

na_th: lost faith in these forums now?
hex: relsoft's stupid game? not really...

relsoft: That's pretty good, but I changed the controls, you have right as left and vice versa, is that the way it's supposed to be? And the half hour for the bubble was well worth it, I can assure you ;*). That game has just the right amount of terrifying out-of-controllness-the-mines-are-heading-at-me-help-mummy! action.

binaryshock: are you supposed to be able to go through the walls? But man, that is impressive...
Well this wasn't exactly written in qb, but it was written in a language called Smurf, the interpreter for smurf was written in qb so does that count? even if it doesn't heh it'll give you something to do for a few minutes Tongue

Cpx; Cpy;
Cx; Cy;
Cxa; Cya;

@xa:0; @ya:0;

+xa; +ya;
+px:2; +py:2;

@x:43; @y:13;

G17:12; W'Press a key to begin (be sure to run in fullscreen)'; $ %


Gpx:py; W' '; +py;
Gpx:py; W' '; -py:2;
Gpx:py; W' '; +py;



Gpx:py; W'|'; +py;
Gpx:py; W'|'; -py;
Gx:y; W' ';

?x=3:?y=py:+score; +py;
?x=3:?y=py:+score; -py;

?x=3:?y=pyAngryxa:1; +py;
?x=3:?y=pyAngryxa:1; -py;

+x:xa; +y:ya;


Gx:y; T15:0; W'@';

?xkey=1:^; &&

} %

G37:12; T7:0; W'You Scored: 'Confusedcore; $

you can download the interpreter from here!

save the source into a file and drag+drop it onto the interpreter, or run the interpreter and type in the filename.[/url]
DIM name$(0 TO 1)
INPUT "Player 1's name: ", namme$(0)
INPUT "Player 2's name: ", namme$(1)
PRINT name$(INT(RND+.5)); " won!"
INPUT "Do you want to play again?(y/n), i$
IF LCASE$(i$)="y" THEN GOTO start:

...I wondered if I should add a highscore list... Tongue
hehe amazing game there red_marvin, altho player 1 will always win....on your inputs u inputted both players names into namme$(0)
and you should prolly remove Dim Namme$(0 To 1) out of the loop.
Relsoft...nice work. I think that the program is improved with the following change to the boundry condition.

Bubble.y = Bubble.y + Bubble.yv  'line 131

IF Bubble.x < 8 OR Bubble.x > 291 THEN Bubble.xv = -1 * Bubble.xv
IF Bubble.y < 8 OR Bubble.y > 171 THEN Bubble.yv = -1 * Bubble.yv

cx% = Bubble.x
cy% = Bubble.y
cf% = Bubble.Frame

The change is confined to the IF THEN statements...making the bubbles bounce off the edge rather than simply stopping.

Nathan...since your prog is in B&W...why not use a higher-res mode (eg mode 11) to give the player more room to move around? I tried making the change, but couldn't get it to work.

Nice game, BTW...you guys with your 1-hr code...surely you spent more time than that in planning, etc., no?
better now binarySHOCK? har har har
Quote:Nathan...since your prog is in B&W...why not use a higher-res mode (eg mode 11) to give the player more room to move around? I tried making the change, but couldn't get it to work. Nice game, BTW...you guys with your 1-hr code...surely you spent more time than that in planning, etc., no?

Well, I used SCREEN 7 for speed and pages. I could have used SCREEN 8 or SCREEN 9, but the game was too slow in my old comp.

You can't use SCREEN 11 'cause it hasn't pages.

Yeah, it took about 45 minutes. The planning wasn't mine, as that game exists since 1979 (you can play the original version with MAME).
DIM name$(0 TO 1)
INPUT "Player 1's name: ", namme$(0)
INPUT "Player 2's name: ", namme$(1)
PRINT name$(INT(RND+.5)); " won!"
INPUT "Do you want to play again?(y/n), i$
IF LCASE$(i$)="y" THEN GOTO start:

...I wondered if I should add a highscore list... Tongue

2 mistakes. you dimed name$ but you are setting the varibles in namme$. also you forgot the end quote on the last input.
Well, I think it is time to put a deadline. The day after tomorrow (Friday) I will set up a poll for you to vote for your prefered game. Thanks Smile
Mango Wrote:you guys with your 1-hr code...surely you spent more time than that in planning, etc., no?

Yeah, it took about 45 minutes. The planning wasn't mine, as that game exists since 1979 (you can play the original version with MAME).

I hope you didn't get me wrong....I am super impressed that y'all can write such programms in an hour!!! By contrast...it takes me several hours to write a prog 1/10 as long!!! I am very impressed!!!
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