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1:How do you resize the image to fit into your normal avatar?
2:How do you add pics to your signature ?
3:Is there a size limit to the pics in your signature ?
1) Eh? Do you mean "so it is small enough that it can be uploaded"? You'll have to use a paint program to resize it.
2) Use the bbCode [img]url_of_your_offsite_image[/img]
3) Not technically, but if it's over 10-15K it's generally considered spam and will annoy some people. Remember, we will always see the image unless you turn your signature off, so not too big Wink

And also: these questions and more can be answered if you poke around for the forum FAQ.
yes and i get annoyed with any big signatures
what if the image you want in your sig is stored in memory ?
what memory? on your computer?: Well that won't work, maybe
yourself can see it then but for example
the address
is a file on your computer, but I don't have access to your comp and besides
that adress would on my computer point to a file on my comp...

So the answer is that you must upload it a)to qbnews if it's small
enough (avatar) or host it externally...