
Full Version: Pasco's grass snippet... IN JAVA!
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ok... it works now.
Quote:Anyways, I doubt someone who didn't use spaces would approve of your rampant tabbing, Ninkazu..

The code is completely readable and well styled. I tab C/Java differently, but I can read this without getting dizzy. That doesn't happen with your code.
I'm not Pasco, and my coding style is the same as his, except I add vaars to my NEXT statements. *STAB*.
Am I hearing this correctly? Does Agg prefer spaghetti code over well written self-documenting code?

P.S. Is there a way of grabbing a color that has been drawn? I'm translating relblobs1 to java, and the only thing I need now is how to grab colors.
Tabs don't make well-written code.

Instead of making another thread, I'll just post this here.


If any of you have seen Optimus' intro for Toshi's compo, you'll recognize this.

Here's the code for those of you whom are curious.
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.image.*;

public class plasma extends Applet implements Runnable
    int [] Lsin1 = new int[2049];
    int [] Lsin2 = new int[2049];
    Color [] pal = new Color[256];
    int ytp = 0, yttp = 0, k = 0, yp = 0, c = 0, yytp = 0;

      Image imgbuffer = null;
    Graphics gbuffer = null;
    Thread app = null;

    public void start()
        if( app == null )
            app = new Thread(this);
            app.start();             //  This invokes run() (see below)

    public void init()
        imgbuffer = createImage(64, 88);
        gbuffer = imgbuffer.getGraphics();
          gbuffer.fillRect(0, 0, 64, 88);

        for (int i=-319; i<320; i++)
            Lsin1[i+319] = (int)(Math.sin(i/12.0)*8.0);
            Lsin2[i+319] = (int)(Math.sin(i/6.0)*8.0);
        int rr, gg, bb;
        for (int i = 1; i<=16; i++)
            rr = (16-i)*4+3;
            gg = (16-i)*4+3;
            bb = (16-i)*4+3;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
        for (int i = 32; i<=47; i++)
            rr = (47-i)*4;
            gg = (47-i)*4;
            bb = (47-i)*4;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
        for (int i = 48; i<=63; i++)
            rr = (i - 63)*4;
            gg = (i - 63)*4;
            bb = (i - 63)*4;
            if (rr < 0) rr = 0;
            if (gg < 0) gg = 0;
            if (bb < 0) bb = 0;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
        for (int i = 64; i<=95; i++)
            rr = 127-i;
            gg = 127-i;
            bb = i-64;
            if (rr < 0) rr = 0;
            if (gg < 0) gg = 0;
            if (bb < 0) bb = 0;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
        for (int i = 96; i<=127; i++)
            rr = 127-i;
            gg = 127-i;
            bb = i-64;
            if (rr < 0) rr = 0;
            if (gg < 0) gg = 0;
            if (bb < 0) bb = 0;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
        for (int i = 128; i<=255; i++)
            rr = (i - 128)/6;
            gg = (i - 128)/4;
            bb = (i - 128)/2;
            pal[i] = new Color(rr*4,gg*4,bb*4);
    public void paint(Graphics screen)
        if (imgbuffer != null){
            screen.drawImage(imgbuffer, 0, 0, this);
    public void update(Graphics g)

    public void run()
        Graphics g = getGraphics();
        while (app != null)
              }catch(InterruptedException e) { stop(); }


    public void stop()
        app = null;

    public void paintApp(Graphics g)
        if (ytp < 76) ytp++;
        if (ytp < 62) yttp = ytp;
        if (k == 75) k = 0;
        yp = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y<88; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x<=64; x++)
                c = Lsin1[x + k + 319] + Lsin1[y + k + 319] + Lsin1[x + Lsin2[x - y + k + 319] + 319];
                c += Lsin2[y + Lsin1[y - x + k + 319] + 319] + 96;
                if (c == 128) c = 127;
                if (y + 1 > 0)
                } else {
        g.drawImage(imgbuffer, 0, 0, this);

    public void eraseApp()
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