
Full Version: Tab stops in HTML
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Ok. I know that HTML won't support the tab stops I have in Notepad.

BUT: What if I wanted to align two textboxes, such as:

Name:    [Textbox goes here]
Message: [Textbox goes here]

(I just used the code tags for alignment)
There are a few ways:

a) Tables

  <TD>[Textbox goes here]</TD>

  <TD>[Textbox goes here]</TD>


b) PRE Tag

Name:    [Textbox goes here]
Message: [Textbox goes here]

c) Non break spaces

NAME:&&&&&&&&&[Textbox goes here]<br>
MESSAGE:&&[Textbox goes here]<br>

phpBB removed the non break spaces, so replace the & (ampersand) with -&-n-b-s-p-;- (remove the dashes "-")
Big Grin Thanks, the 2nd one is exactly what I needed.