
Full Version: QbasicNews Mirror site
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Looks like someone set up a mirror site for this place. (Takes a bit to load)
It's not an independant copy of the site, it's taking qbasicnews.com and mirroring it, just like elgooG does. Any site works. try www.qb45.com.mirror.sytes.org

Supposedly a lot of Chinese citizens were actually using elgooG (the google mirror) because the great firewall of China didn't catch it... maybe this has a similar purpose - to evade censorship.
Hah, that's neato! :lol:

It even flips the images!!
That was really great :bounce:
that is intresting.
Fun stuff! I still can't figure out how it works!




Then your basic (yeah, right.. basic) PHP word-flipper Wink
Old topic yes but I read it first now...
I checked it out further abd this is what it lead to
Oh man, those sites load sloooow Smile Anyway, it looks kinda funny when mirrored horizontally... Wink Very interesting Smile