
Full Version: New BASIC Interpreter
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Mini-Basic is a BASIC programming language written by Sylvain Bizoirre and improved upon by Franck Charlet. The language is a unique cross between Palo Alto Tiny BASIC and QBASIC. Additionally, MBasic (by Franck Charlet) is an expanded version of Mini-Basic sharing many of the same commands. Both interpreters are 32-bit Windows Console mode programs running under Windows XP (and/or Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000).

To download Mini-Basic, please visit Sylvain's website at:


I have also created a Mini-Basic group on Yahoo Groups. The Mini-Basic group discusses both interpreters and includes downloads in the Files section for those joining the group. Updated versions of Mini-Basic/MBasic are included in the Files section as new versions are released.

Additionally, source code examples will be uploaded to the Files section of the group as they become available. If you'd like to join Mini-Basic, please click on the link provided in this message:



Paul Panks
I'm confused... so did you make or improve upon any of these? Or you just like them a lot and want to let us know that?
Nah, Dunric hasn't improved or made any of these. But he's made 2 textmode adventure games using Mini-Basic (called Dark Forest 1 & 2). If u care to take a look, check it out here!