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Imperialism, I think.

Oh, and about that, fine, it's a religion. But if a woman didn't want to wear it, she had to leave the country. But she wouldn't be able to even try.
Imperialism...muh bad Big Grin typo

Quote:im·pe·ri·al·ism n.
1. The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.
2. The system, policies, or practices of such a government.
Quote:And the opium trade in Afhganistan can be stopped, but only by US troops, which is the point of what I say. You're right, they shouldn't have to live in fear, but america could do better on "other" fronts.

hrm, that is a little bit of an egocentric point of view. Why is it that only the US or "America" (I'd like to note there are over 12 other countries that make up the Americas and the US thinking they are "America" is *another* example of thier ego) can put an end to the drug problem in other counties?

I say, until "America" can stop it's own internal strife, makes it so everyone lives above the poverty line (and not by lowering the poverty line) and can police thier *own* country, they should stay the f_ck out of other peoples buisness. They can't even play fair with the countries that tolerate (note the word tolerate and not like) them.

If "America" was truely concerned about the people of Iraq, then it *wouldn't* have guarded the oil wells and Oil Ministry before hospitals and public utilities.

#1. Everybody knows that the Americas is made up of many countries. You're not exactly shedding any light here. Tongue
#2. Oracle isn't American, he's New Zealandian Big Grin so I have no idea how you can consider that egocentric.
#3. Other countries called the USA "America" because they were too lazy to say "United States of America". Don't blame us, it's annoying. I don't call myself American most of the time, I call myself United Statesian. Unfortunately, no one really understands that so I often have to say American so people actually know what I'm talking about.
#4. One thing you obviously don't realize is that nations come to US, begging for help. Then they turn around and claim all kinds of ridiculous things. It's stupid and idiotic, but our government wants to try this stupid thing of appeasing everyone. Oh well.
#5. The time is coming. GW Bush will soon get his ass kicked out of office. Then, a proper president will be put in place, one who doesn't fsck up the country and go to war all the time, one who actually gives a damn about the condition of the country, and one with the know-how to fix the problems that GW Bush put on us.
And I'm ruby (sp? rudy? rume? rule?) the red-nosed reindeer.
It is rudolf. And adosorken is right.
Good lord. I wish I knew anything about my own government. There are so many of these political conversations going on here, and I can't stick me own opinion in. Maybe I should watch CNN... =\
No, you can't, it's filled with government propaganda, as are all the news channels. The only things you can trust are books, and Farmer Jose.

Now where's that smiley of Lachie's?
My take on the situation:

Plasma and Whitetiger: If you don't want to be bothered to find out what's going on in your own country, don't bitch at those of us who do keep an eye on it. Even before you read news news repressed from the American Media (which has been GREATLY critisized for many years, LONG before 9/11, for it's horrible policies, and studies this year have showed are more likely to report BLATANT LIES than the truth), you can see the footage of Georges reaction to 9/11 (he decided to finish his photo op instead of condesceding to go do something about that attack on the proles), see the two faced media blitz that has been full of blatant lies and contradictions from the whitehouse (Rumsfeld on WMDs: "WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE" before the war, remember that? Probably not), and see much more. If you decide to look at other places, you find out that the US has been playing an atrocious show for the American people. Don't believe me? Two words: BBC Lynch. You two should do a little reading and a little thinking before continuing to bash nek for his absolutely reasonable(to any educated person) stance that the terrorism on 9/11 was a scam(I'm sorry, you two probably don't know that the FAA(I think, I'm horrible with acronyms) had orders in place already to SCRAMBLE F19s TO INTERCEPT HIJACKED PLANES, but NOTHING(nothing, nilch, nada, zilch, bubkis, n'attention, NOTHING) was done after these planes deviated from their course, nor was anything done in THE FIFTEEN MINUTES after the first plane collided. FIFTEEN MINUTES WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR THE NEARBY AIRBASE TO SCRAMBLE FIGHTERS TO INTERCEPT THE OBVIOUSLY HOSTILE PLANE.

WildTiger, you have to understand that the US government is not a victim in this tragedy. Stop believeing that tripe they spew that they are. The US government(the republican party in paticular) was given carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. No senators, congressmen, or other politicians were on the planes or in the buildings. The Pentagon side that was evacuated(strange, that) held no important people, because it was evacuated for work being done to it. The people who are the victims here are the freinds and family of people who died on 9/11, and the people themselves. When we have problems with the US government, it is with a buch of powerhungry madmen who have PROVEN through their actions throughout the decades that they care more for power, money, and war than they do the American people. Hey, it's not THEIR children whose swear, blood, and tears are going to have to eventually pay back the 400 BILLION dollar deficit created this year ALONE.

What I'm getting at is, just because people like nek and myself believe the US government was responsible for(in the worst case even I can't bring myself to believe), or at the very least callously used for political dominance, the attacks of 2001, it does not mean we are against the victims of this tragedy. To the contrary, I mourn the true body count, the tens of thousands of innocent people who have died in these barely justified wars against countries so poor they can't even keep their roads from deteriorating into ruin(Pop Quiz: Where did Osama bin Laden and the majority of the 9/11 attackers come from? Answer:[u]Saudi Arabia[/i]), let alone mount attacks against the US using some mythiological(and completely non-existant) weapons of mass terror and destruction. DO NOT give these evil men running the country like a dictatorship the honor of being remembered in the same vein as the innocent civilians who were simply going in to do their jobs, trying to earn an honest living, whose lives were tragically cut short by a combination of terrorism and outright criminal incompotence. THE ONLY WAY IN MY VIEW TO BRING PEACE TO THE SPIRITS WITHIN THE RUINS OF THE WTC(which were shipped off to China before they could be investigated -- who would want to know something silly like how and why the WTC fell, and who would want forensic evidence to support claims to wars that have cost too many lives?) IS TO BRING THE TRUE PEOPLE, THE PEOPLE ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE TO JUSTICE, NOT TO KILL MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE.

Jocke & Zack: I'm afraid that Bush and his lackeys are going to use this announcement as they have used announcements in the past. "We completed an objective. WE WERE RIGHT ABOUT THE WMDS, SEE?"

They're spinning so fast and so hard it's making me sick to my stomach. Frankly, considering how little regard they've had for the truth, I don't even know whether I can rely on the idea that Saddam was a bad guy in this case. D:

Zack: Afganistan is not in a better state than before the war began. The ineffectual interm government is just as bloodthirsty as the taliban, but they aren't as brutal in enforcing it, so thieves and brigands roam the streets, terrorizing people. Women still wear the infamous burqas because they're still afraid of the consequences if they don't. Corporal punish is still in effect, and the Afganis are still living in a squalid hellhole.

Nek: The afganis have one last hope. Canadian forces have taken over peacekeeping operations in Kabul. They've had some setbacks, but I hope the different attitudes and philosophies of the canadian peacekeepers will help bring some semblance of peace to the reigon. It may be too little too late, but I'm hoping that the country responsible for the phrase "peace keeper" can make a difference.

Toonski: The media was saying for a while that there were hundreds of lookalikes.

Plasma: Who released the DNA test findings? Remember that Iraq was trying to purchace Uranium from Africa, so anything could happen.

Rhia: The answer, my freind, is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.

Rockuman: The problem with CNN is that they don't cover nearly everything. Did you know that there were 300,000 anti-war protesters in NEW YORK? Think about it. Sitting there, amid the ashes of the WTC, a huge protest formed. I think that's a lesson we can all take to heart about this from that. I watched CNN for a lot of my information during the pre-war period, and even on that station, the lies, spin, and contradictions came out as clear as day. Perhaps it's a result of their poor lying abilities that they come out so clear, like day.

Aga: As the QB Information minister, I'm sure you know a thing or two about propoganda. Tongue
Honestly though, I think some stations are a lot more useful than others. Some of the greatest revelations of the war were covered by the BBC, and other international sources did a good job as well.

Anyway, that's my long post for this message. If you have any questions or comments, post them, but I'm not going to bother answering them. Use Google and search the answers for yourself. If you want to take issue with any of my factual comments, don't bother commenting, go to google and search them out for yourselves. It's not my damn job to educate you on the true state of the union. If you really want a creepy conspiracy theory, look up PNAC, which was apparantly funded by Bushs lackeys before his presidency. The notes in that report are incredibly frightening similarities. Also note that it's NOT incomprehendable for the US to be sponsoring terrorist attacks. the US Government had planned to sponsor terrorist attacks against US citizens has a pretext for attacking Cuba right before the cuban missle crisis. It was supposedly dropped, but there were a bunch of hijacked planes right before then whose destination, oddly enough was, you guessed it, Cuba.

Remember, google is your freind. Good evening.
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