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I hope you're not all too busy, but I had a brainwave over dinner tonight :wink: .

I downloaded Anaglyph Quake, after hearing about it in another thread a week or two ago. It is basically Quake adapted to use two streams: Red and blue. When you look at it through your ordinary 3d glasses you see Quake in real 3D!! Its quite something.

Anyway, for those of you who have Red/Blue 3D glasses (Red/Green for europe), here is a little challenge. Write a 3D wireframe program to rotate a box/tetrahedron/something (doesn't have to be complicated), but write it so it displays the image from two slightly different angles, one just to the side of the other, One angle in Red, one in Blue (or Green depending on your 3D glasses). The effect this should hopefully achieve should be impressive.

Ill have a go myself, although Im not too good with QB in 3D.

Good luck!
well, someone once made a raycaster that split the screen in two, and you could make a magic eye effect by crossing the two sides together, but I dont know about anything that uses the red/blue thing. I got over all that pretty quick.
Unfortunately, when the ambulance arrived, the challenge was pronounced dead on the scene.

RIP Tongue
A few old games from Apogee and Epix and the like had options for 3D glasses, as far as I can remember.
Well, ive been trying to get true 3d stuff for a while now, but ive been using a 3d program made from someone else to do all my stuff. Im going to try to modify it to do red/blue.
Here you are, a red/blue wireframe program. kinda flickery though.
Most of the credit goes to Rich Geldreich, who made the original program. I just modified it to do red/blue. Now if only I had a pair of red/blue glasses...


READ max

TYPE LineType
DIM Points(max * 2) AS LineType
DIM Xn(max * 2), Yn(max * 2), Zn(max * 2)
DIM Xs1(max * 2), Ys1(max * 2), Xe1(max * 2), Ye1(max * 2)
DIM X(max * 2), Y(max * 2), Z(max * 2), Pointers1(max * 2), Pointers2(max * 2), Sp(max * 2), Zp(max * 2)
DIM R(100), B(63), B1(63)
DIM Cosine&(360), Sine&(360)
PRINT "Q...............Quits"
PRINT "Numeric keypad..Controls your position(press 5 on the keypad"
PRINT "                to completly stop yourself) "
PRINT "-...............Forward exceleration"
PRINT "+...............Backward exceleration"
PRINT "Arrow keys......Controls the rotation of the craft"
PRINT "F...............Excelerates the craft (Forward)"
PRINT "B...............Slows the craft (Backward)"
PRINT "S...............Stops the craft"
PRINT "A...............Toggles Auto Center, use this when you lose";
PRINT " the craft"
PRINT "C...............Stops the craft's rotation"
PRINT "V...............Resets the craft to starting position"
PRINT "X...............Increased offset between red and blue craft"
PRINT "Y...............Decreased offset between red and blue craft"
PRINT "Wait a sec..."

A = 0
FOR A! = 0 TO 359 / 57.29577951# STEP 1 / 57.29577951#
    Cosine&(A) = INT(.5 + COS(A!) * 1024)
    Sine&(A) = INT(.5 + SIN(A!) * 1024): A = A + 1

'OPEN "707.wrfm" FOR INPUT AS #1
'INPUT #1, max
FOR A = 0 TO max - 1
    'INPUT #1, Points(A).X, Points(A).Y, Points(A).Z
    'INPUT #1, Points(A).X1, Points(A).Y1, Points(A).Z1
    READ Points(A).X, Points(A).Y, Points(A).Z
    READ Points(A).X1, Points(A).Y1, Points(A).Z1

NumberLines = max

Np = 0
FOR A = 0 TO NumberLines - 1
    X(Np) = Points(A).X
    Y(Np) = Points(A).Y
    Z(Np) = Points(A).Z
    Np = Np + 1
    X(Np) = Points(A).X1
    Y(Np) = Points(A).Y1
    Z(Np) = Points(A).Z1
    Np = Np + 1
FOR A = 0 TO NumberLines - 1
    Xs = Points(A).X
    Ys = Points(A).Y
    Zs = Points(A).Z            'get the 3 coordinates of the start point
    FOR B = 0 TO Np - 1         'scan the point array
        IF X(B) = Xs AND Y(B) = Ys AND Z(B) = Zs THEN
            Pointers1(A) = B    'set the pointer to point to the
            EXIT FOR            'point we have just found
        END IF
    Xs = Points(A).X1           'do the same thing that we did above
    Ys = Points(A).Y1           'except scan for the ending point
    Zs = Points(A).Z1           'of each line
    FOR B = 0 TO Np - 1
        IF X(B) = Xs AND Y(B) = Ys AND Z(B) = Zs THEN
            Pointers2(A) = B
            EXIT FOR
        END IF
Nr = 0
FOR A = 0 TO NumberLines - 1
    F1 = Pointers1(A)   'get staring & ending point number
    S1 = Pointers2(A)
    IF Nr = 0 THEN      'if this is the first point then it of course
                        'has to be rotated
        R(Nr) = F1: Nr = Nr + 1
        Found = 0       'scan to see if this point already exists...
        FOR B = 0 TO Nr - 1
            IF R(B) = F1 THEN
                Found = -1: EXIT FOR    'shoot, it's already here!
            END IF
        IF NOT Found THEN R(Nr) = F1: Nr = Nr + 1   'point the point
                                                    'in the array it we
    END IF                                          'can't find it...
    Found = 0   'now look for the ending point
    FOR B = 0 TO Nr - 1
        IF R(B) = S1 THEN
            Found = -1: EXIT FOR
        END IF
    IF NOT Found THEN R(Nr) = S1: Nr = Nr + 1
FOR A = 0 TO 63
    B(A) = (4 * A) \ 8
    B1(A) = A - B(A)
PRINT "Press any key to begin..."
A$ = INPUT$(1)

Deg1 = 0: Deg2 = 0: D1 = 0: D2 = 0

Spos = -200: Mypos = 0

Mx = 0: My = 0: Mz = 0: Ox = 0: Oy = 0: Oz = -260

NumberOfFrames = 0
DEF SEG = &H40
StartTime = PEEK(&H6C)


FOR A = 0 TO 31
    OUT &H3C7, A: OUT &H3C8, A: OUT &H3C9, A * 2: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 0
FOR A = 32 TO 63
    OUT &H3C7, A: OUT &H3C8, A: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, 0: OUT &H3C9, (A - 32) * 2

offset = -20

    Deg1 = (Deg1 + D1) MOD 360
    Deg2 = (Deg2 + D2) MOD 360
    IF Deg1 < 0 THEN Deg1 = Deg1 + 360
    IF Deg2 < 0 THEN Deg2 = Deg2 + 360
    C1& = Cosine&(Deg1): S1& = Sine&(Deg1)
    C2& = Cosine&(Deg2): S2& = Sine&(Deg2)
    C3& = Cosine&(Deg3): S3& = Sine&(Deg3)
    'Deg3 = (Deg3 + 5) MOD 360
    X = Speed: Y = 0: Z = 0

    X1 = (X * C1&) \ 1024: Y1 = (X * S1&) \ 1024
    X2 = (X1 * C2&) \ 1024: Zn = (X1 * S2&) \ 1024
    Y3 = (Y1 * C3& - Zn * S3&) \ 1024
    Z3 = (Y1 * S3& + Zn * C3&) \ 1024
    Ox = Ox + X2: Oy = Oy + Y3: Oz = Oz + Z3
    IF Oz > 32000 THEN Oz = 32000
    IF Oz < -32000 THEN Oz = -32000
    IF Ox > 32000 THEN Ox = 32000
    IF Ox < -32000 THEN Ox = -32000
    IF Oy > 32000 THEN Oy = 32000
    IF Oy < -32000 THEN Oy = -32000
    IF AtLoc THEN
        Mx = Mx + (Ox - Mx) \ 4
        My = My + (Oy - My) \ 4
        Mz = Mz + ((Oz + 200) - Mz) \ 4
        'adjust the users position based on how much he is moving...
        Mz = Mz + Mzm: Mx = Mx + Mxm: My = My + Mym
        IF Mz > 32000 THEN Mz = 32000
        IF Mz < -32000 THEN Mz = -32000
        IF Mx > 32000 THEN Mx = 32000
        IF Mx < -32000 THEN Mx = -32000
        IF My > 32000 THEN My = 32000
        IF My < -32000 THEN My = -32000
    END IF
    LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT A$; offset
    MaxZ = -32768
    LowZ = 32767
    FOR A = 0 TO Nr - 1
        R = R(A)
        Xo = X(R): Yo = Y(R): Zo = Z(R)
        X1 = (Xo * C1& - Yo * S1&) \ 1024
        Y1 = (Xo * S1& + Yo * C1&) \ 1024
        X2& = (X1 * C2& - Zo * S2&) \ 1024 - Mx + Ox
        Z2 = (X1 * S2& + Zo * C2&) \ 1024
        Y3& = (Y1 * C3& - Z2 * S3&) \ 1024 - My + Oy
        Z4 = (Y1 * S3& + Z2 * C3&) \ 1024
        Z3 = Z4 - Mz + Oz

        Zn(R) = Z4
        IF Z4 > MaxZ THEN MaxZ = Z4
        IF Z4 < LowZ THEN LowZ = Z4

        'if the point is too close(or behind) the viewer then
        'don't draw it...
        IF (Mypos - Z3) < 15 THEN
            Xn(R) = -1000: Yn(R) = 0: Zn = 0
            V = (1330& * (Spos - Z3)) \ (Mypos - Z3)
            Xn(R) = 160 + X2& + (-X2& * V) \ 1330
            Yn(R) = 100 + (8 * (Y3& + (-Y3& * V) \ 1330)) \ 10
        END IF
    MaxZ = MaxZ - LowZ
    Nl = 0
    FOR A = 0 TO NumberLines - 1
        F1 = Pointers1(A): S1 = Pointers2(A)
        IF Xn(F1) <> -1000 AND Xn(S1) <> -1000 THEN
            Sp(Nl) = A
            Zp(A) = (Zn(F1) + Zn(S1)) \ 2
            Nl = Nl + 1
        END IF
    Nl = Nl - 1
    'sort lines according to their Z coordinates
    IF Nl > -1 THEN
        Mid = Nl \ 2
            FOR A = 0 TO Nl - Mid
                IF Zp(Sp(A)) > Zp(Sp(A + Mid)) THEN
                    SWAP Sp(A), Sp(A + Mid)
                    CL = A - Mid
                    CH = A
                    DO WHILE CL >= 0
                        IF Zp(Sp(CL)) > Zp(Sp(CH)) THEN
                            SWAP Sp(CL), Sp(CH)
                            CH = CL
                            CL = CL - Mid
                            EXIT DO
                        END IF
                END IF
            Mid = Mid \ 2
        LOOP WHILE Mid > 0
    END IF
    'wait for vertical retrace
    WAIT &H3DA, 8
    'erase old points
    FOR A = Ln - 1 TO 0 STEP -1
        LINE (Xs1(A), Ys1(A))-(Xe1(A), Ye1(A)), 0
    Ln = 0
    FOR A1 = 0 TO Nl
        A = Sp(A1)
        Z = Zp(A)
        F1 = Pointers1(Sp(A1)): S1 = Pointers2(Sp(A1))
        Xn = Xn(F1): Yn = Yn(F1)
        IF Xn <> -1000 THEN
            X1 = Xn(S1)
            IF X1 <> -1000 THEN
                Y1 = Yn(S1)
                Z1 = (Z - Mz + Oz)
                IF Z1 > -1500 THEN
                    'calculate color
                    T = 63 - ((Z1 * -63&) \ 1500)
                    IF MaxZ = 0 THEN
                      c = 0
                      c = B1(T) + (B(T) * (Z - LowZ)) \ MaxZ
                    END IF
                    'draw line
                    IF offset > 0 THEN cc = c / 2 + 32
                    IF offset < 0 THEN cc = c / 2
                    LINE (X1, Y1)-(Xn, Yn), cc
                    'store for later        
                    Xs1(Ln) = X1: Ys1(Ln) = Y1
                    Xe1(Ln) = Xn: Ye1(Ln) = Yn
                    Ln = Ln + 1
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    'process keystroke
    K$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)
    'Process the keystroke(if any)...
    IF K$ <> "" THEN
        SELECT CASE K$
            CASE "X"
                IF offset < 0 THEN offset = offset - 5
                IF offset > 0 THEN offset = offset + 5
            CASE "Z"
                IF offset < 0 THEN offset = offset + 5
                IF offset > 0 THEN offset = offset - 5
            CASE "A"
                AtLoc = NOT AtLoc
            CASE "+"
                Mzm = Mzm + 2
            CASE "-"
                Mzm = Mzm - 2
            CASE "5"
                Mxm = 0: Mym = 0: Mzm = 0
            CASE "4"
                Mxm = Mxm - 2
            CASE "6"
                Mxm = Mxm + 2
            CASE "8"
                Mym = Mym - 2
            CASE "2"
                Mym = Mym + 2
            CASE "F"
                Speed = Speed + 5
            CASE "B"
                Speed = Speed - 5
            CASE "C"
                D1 = 0: D2 = 0
            CASE "S"
                Speed = 0
            CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72)
                D1 = D1 + 1
            CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80)
                D1 = D1 - 1
            CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(75)
                D2 = D2 - 1
            CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(77)
                D2 = D2 + 1
            CASE "Q", CHR$(27)
                SCREEN 0, , 0, 0: WIDTH 80
                PRINT "By Rich Geldreich June 2nd, 1992"
                PRINT "See ya later!"
            CASE "V"
                D1 = 0: D2 = 0: Deg1 = 0: Deg2 = 0: Speed = 0
        END SELECT
    END IF
    NumberOfFrames = NumberOfFrames + 1
    'see if 20 frames have passed; if so then see
    'how long it took...
    IF NumberOfFrames = 20 THEN
        TotalTime = PEEK(&H6C) - StartTime
        IF TotalTime < 0 THEN TotalTime = TotalTime + 256
        FramesPerSecX100 = 36400 \ TotalTime
        High = FramesPerSecX100 \ 100
        Low = FramesPerSecX100 - High
        'A$ has the string that is printed at the upper left
        'corner of the screen
        A$ = MID$(STR$(High), 2) + "."
        A$ = A$ + RIGHT$("0" + MID$(STR$(Low), 2), 2) + "  "
        NumberOfFrames = 0
        StartTime = PEEK(&H6C)
    END IF

    Mxm = offset
    offset = offset * -1
'The following data is the shuttle craft...
'stored as Start X,Y,Z & End X,Y,Z

'Decent Ship
'center lines
DATA 100,15,70,0,15,70
DATA 100,15,-70,0,15,-70

'right wing
DATA 0,15,-70,-20,10,-60
DATA -20,10,-60,-30,5,-50
DATA -30,5,-50,-40,0,-30
DATA -10,10,-60,-20,5,-50
DATA -20,5,-50,-30,0,-30
DATA -10,10,-60,-20,10,-60
DATA -30,0,-30,-40,0,-30
DATA -40,0,-30,10,0,-30
DATA 50,15,-70,30,10,-60
DATA 30,10,-60,20,5,-50
DATA 20,5,-50,10,0,-30

'left wing
DATA 0,15,70,-20,10,60
DATA -20,10,60,-30,5,50
DATA -30,5,50,-40,0,30
DATA -10,10,60,-20,5,50
DATA -20,5,50,-30,0,30
DATA -10,10,60,-20,10,60
DATA -30,0,30,-40,0,30
DATA -40,0,30,10,0,30
DATA 50,15,70,30,10,60
DATA 30,10,60,20,5,50
DATA 20,5,50,10,0,30

DATA 10,0,-30,50,0,-25
DATA 50,0,-25,70,0,-15
DATA 70,0,-15,80,0,0
DATA 10,0,30,50,0,25
DATA 50,0,25,70,0,15
DATA 70,0,15,80,0,0

DATA 80,0,0,77,-5,0
DATA 77,-5,0,65,-10,0
DATA 65,-10,0,45,-15,0
DATA 45,-15,0,10,-20,0

DATA 65,-10,0,57,-10,-10
DATA 57,-10,-10,40,-10,-20
DATA 40,-10,-20,10,-10,-30

DATA 65,-10,0,57,-10,10
DATA 57,-10,10,40,-10,20
DATA 40,-10,20,10,-10,30

DATA 57,-10,10,70,0,15
DATA 40,-10,20,50,0,25
DATA 57,-10,-10,70,0,-15
DATA 40,-10,-20,50,0,-25

DATA 10,0,-30,10,0,30
DATA 10,-20,20,10,-20,-20
DATA 10,0,-30,10,-10,-30
DATA 10,-10,-30,10,-20,-20
DATA 10,0,30,10,-10,30
DATA 10,-10,30,10,-20,20

DATA -40,0,-30,-40,0,30
DATA -40,-20,20,-40,-20,-20
DATA -40,0,-30,-40,-10,-30
DATA -40,-10,-30,-40,-20,-20
DATA -40,0,30,-40,-10,30
DATA -40,-10,30,-40,-20,20

DATA -40,-10,-30,10,-10,-30
DATA -40,-20,-20,10,-20,-20
DATA -40,-10,30,10,-10,30
DATA -40,-20,20,10,-20,20

DATA -40,-20,-20,-50,-35,-25
DATA -50,-35,-25,-30,-35,-25
DATA -30,-35,-25,0,-20,-20

DATA -40,-20,20,-50,-35,25
DATA -50,-35,25,-30,-35,25
DATA -30,-35,25,0,-20,20
Cool, I will try when I get home, unfortunately Im not sure that it is quite what I was thinking about.

Red/blue glasses work on the principle that the farther away the lines are from each other, the deeper into the screen they seem. So lines with a large Z value would have a farther away coloured counterpart, whereas lines closer may have the colours closer together, or even switched around, to make it seem like they are coming outof the screen. I think (not sure, as i havent tested yet) thaty the program that you have created only duplicates the lines. I apoligise if I am wrong.... speak later.
It does just duplicate the lines, but from two different perspectives, so you get a 'left eye' view and a 'right eye' view. The two views are from slightly different angles, as you can see if you look closely.
I finally found my 3d glasses... :wink:

The program works great, webberboy! I changed the config of the colours, to a consistent shade of red and green (i live in europe) and made the shades a slightly darker colour, so they would be filtered out as much as possible by the opposite colour, and viola! 3d. I am impressed. Webberboy wins Big Grin
That's the exact same 3D example program that I first saw. (the unmodified one...)
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