
Full Version: 5 + 1 tutorials (Hi-Res and True colour techniques)
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are now available, in english, on The Mandelbrot Dazibao. They describe, all in all, the basis techniques I have used to generate the graphics of my webpage. They are all Hi-Res, true-colour oriented.

0 - Ffix, DOS interruptions and libraries
1 - Use 24bits bitmaps as virtual screens
2 - The SVGA modes
3 - The polling mouse technique
4 - The algorithms of Bresenhams
5 - The HSV colorspace

The last tuto, about Perlin Noise, is still to be written (it will take some time, since you will get a complete synthesis based on all I could find about that, to begin with Ken Perlin's webpage!).

As for the other sections, I'm on my way for their writing...

Since english is not my first language, I will appreciate all corrections !
*WOW*! This is so cool! I'm going to read through it all! Wink

And btw, it is DOS Interrupt and not DOS Interruption. Dunno if it matters though Wink.

I lesson two, you wrote this:
Quote:Clear the screen
As said above, the CLS instruction doesn't work any longer! The first reflex is to write black pixels everywhere, but, hopefully, re-activating the SVGA mode will clear the screen instantly:
I don't see any code that should be immediately after the colon... :-? But it doesn't matter Wink
AFAIK, interrupt is just a short-word for interruption... ???
That's why I said I don't know if it matters Wink I always learnt Interrupt, and that's also what it says at http://www.ctyme.com/rbrown.htm. Interrupt List. :-?
Interrupt is a verb, while interruption is a noun.
There are probably others remaining...

As for "interrupt" and "interruption", I agree with Aga: in french, we have "interrompre" and "interruption" (verb & noun). The same in english, but the verb sounds like a short version of the noun, that's why people may use one for another from time to time...


im pretty sure interrupt is actually a noun in the case of 'dos interrupt'. like, you aren't 'interrupting dos', youre calling the 'dos interrupt', where dos is actually an adjective ;p... god im such a dork Tongue
Quote:Interrupt is a verb, while interruption is a noun.

But "DOS interrupt" is a noun. ;*)

Jark: Most docs refer to it as interrupts. ;*)
Just launch the two following researches on Google:

DOS interrupt
DOS interruption

The second one will return 99% of french pages...

So I will correct that in my english tutos :wink:
The blank pixels in a 100% black bitmap are filled with CHR$(0) bytes, not with spaces generated with Space$(LineLength&).

This would give greyish backgrounds...

I corrected this both in progs (TCBmp.bas) and tutos...