
Full Version: Wow o.O
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I didn't know this was possible...
Tetris! No images used!
I'm sorry. I don't see the "impossibleness" of it. =\ Not that I could do it myself, but... meh.
Just that fact it was done with Javascript...Whatever.
Zack1: Cool.
Zack2: so?
LooseCaboose made a (buggy) "textris" for the one-hour game challenge a while ago, it's available for download at QBNZ Wink
Er..the point is that it's done with javascript, and no images. :wink: A text tetris with QB would probably easy...well, I couldn't code it to save my life, but for other people...
Ah well... I fail at life, so I fail to appreciate it. WinkMaybe when I learn some Java, I'll see how hard it really is.
Nice avatar. Big Grin
I *might* be able to code a tetris game...if it weren't for the 2D rotations.
Wow, I suck...
Since the rotatations are all 90 degrees they are very easy. To rotate counter clockwise about the center of the piece
NewX = - OldY
NewY = OldX
To rotate clockwise
NewX = OldY
NewY = -OldX
Once you've done the rotation, draw the piece in its proper place on the screen.

(Depending on how you use it, you may find the rotation backwards because y increases going down on the screens).
The rotations are all hard coded.

That lazy b*$tard of a coder. Why can't he compute his rotations?

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