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News by Rockuman
Actually, it's half done as of now. I got rid of an article, because it brought too much of a feeling of negativity to the site.

QBMaster will be sure to replace it. Wink
Nice =)

"QBColony belongs to PJ Haye, not you. So don't try to say that you are it's owner, because that's not true. Ok?"

I dont get this?
He gave up trying to make a proffesional disclaimer.
How about...
"BaAl QBColony hu PJ Haye, lo atah. Al tinaseh leEmor sheAtah baAlo, ki zeh lo haEmet. BeSeder?"
My twisted Hebrew. Smile
That was just hilarious! Rockuman's disclaimer and now Zack's twisted hebrew :rotfl:
Quote:How about...
"BaAl QBColony hu PJ Haye, lo atah. Al tinaseh leEmor sheAtah baAlo, ki zeh lo haEmet. BeSeder?"

Its ur disclaimer in 'broken hebrew' =P
Anyhoo, the replacement article is now up. QB Master is back in town. Enjoy... ^_^
Actually, that Hebrew is pretty correct, I see now...
BTW QBMaster, that pic you have is the Graphical Remake of DW - not the original. The original is an ASCII adventure game. :wink:
But cool, anyway. Big Grin
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