
Full Version: VB Pic Boxes
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Is there any possible way to add scroll buttons to a picture box running on VB 5.0 or VB 6.0? any help would be much apreciated
Hm, no, don't think so.
Yeah, of course you can, but ou have to code a little bit. This is intermediate stuff.

You have a picture box, the two scrollbars, and the picture you want to scroll as a picture box inside the main picture box. You have to add code to the change and big change events in the scroll bars that place the inner picture box correctly inside the outter.

* Zack is confused.
I really don't know VB, I guess. =/
Ignore my post up there...
Thanks, that really helped
I made a scrolling picturebox control awhile back, I posted the URL in another post here in this forum regarding VB pictureboxes. It's virtually the same as the normal picturebox (it's missing a few properties, events, and methods though), and has a similar default name (SPictureBox). It uses the BitBlt API call internally. Sourcecode should be included but I'm not 100% sure anymore.