
Full Version: a little keyboard issue
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ok, here's my problem.

Awhile back, when I was still coding Galaxy, I found some multikey routines and used them. after looking around, I realized that these were the routines written by Milo Sedlacek, and considering that I don't have his permission to use them, I don't think I should.

so, in other words, I need to find a multikey tutorial. can anyone point me to one?
Milo Sedlack, sadly, died of leukimia five years ago. You dont need his permission. Besides, it was made for people to use, just mention in your readme where you got other sources from. If you're using a library like cosmox or dqb or future lib they all have multikey handlers.
oh Sad ok. he was a very good programmer, from what I've seen in Monospace

alright, thanks.
He's one of the legends, indeed. BTW, the Z-Keyboard Handler by Exposed Dreams works very good (uses ASM to hook INT9) and you can implement that on any program in a breeze. Small code, also. Big Grin