
Full Version: Minesweeper clone - demo added
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Okay here is a sampler/demo.


Things I still have to do

New levels
Mine duds
Gain life


plus anything you recommend.

Please keep in miond I'm just a begginer at this really.


I am making a minesweeper clone/adaption and was wondering what people thought of it and if they had any good ideas. Here is what I have so far:

-Metal Sweeper-

Created by Broan (aka Antonia Brown) using PP256 and RelLib


Metal Sweeper is a adaption of the MineSweeper. You are a daring

entrapreneur who wishs to collect the gold from the land. However the

gold is scattered across a minefield. The aim is to collect the gold

while advoiding the mines.

To do this you have your trusty metal detector. Lets get sweeping!

Smile - New Game
- Starts a new game duh.
N - Next Level
- Goes to next level. If you haven't completed the level you are on

completly you lose a life.
S - Disabled ( to be save to score buttons in next version)
Q - Quit
- Quits the game
? - Help


Numbers when you dig up land indicates the metal reading of the

surrounding squares. NOT the number of mines or gold. Also the metal

sweeper only a a reading range of 8.

Mines - have a metal rating of 1

Dud mines - Found in later levels have a metal rating of 1
- They are worth 20 points for scrap metal

Gold - Has a metal rating of 2
- They are worth 100 points

Plus you get 5 points for every safe step taken and a level completed


For every 2000 points you get a new life up to the value of 3.


I am about 1/4 of the way through.http://[/url][url]
If you need the code to unveil the mines without running in a stack overflow error ask me Smile
Hmm thanks. I'll try it myself but if I get into trouble I'll definately ask, Thanks.
Quote:If you need the code to unveil the mines without running in a stack overflow error ask me Smile
There must be another way rather than recursion...or maybe there isn't.
Quote:There must be another way rather than recursion...or maybe there isn't.


Deja vu.....
when can we see a working demo?
...when he's made it.
Stop spamming, will ya?
Quote:when can we see a working demo?

Well I got it up to the one level stage now basically. I haven't got the help or save/scores button working yet either. But I suppose thats enough to make a demo out of. Please keep in mind when you see/use this that I am just a begginer/itemediate programmer.
Quote:Stop spamming, will ya?
Look who's talking, will ya?
I love recursion...but I'm so bad at it...
*hides from I-Hate-Recursion gun of the gurus'*
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