
Full Version: How to pass arguments to compiled basic program?
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Getting the true command line isn't that hard...

DIM Regs AS RegTypeX

Regs.ax = &H2F00
InterruptX &H21, Regs, Regs

DEF SEG = Regs.es
Offset = Regs.bx
Length = PEEK(Offset)

FOR x = Offset + 1 TO Offset + Length
  Com$ = Com$ + CHR$(PEEK(x))
I prefer Plasma's way, but if you need a permanent way to fix COMMAND$'s forced CAPS, here's one:


- Dav
Well, to each his own.

I don't like to use interrupt commands. Actually I don't understand them. I may invoke a sub or function from a library that perhaps uses interrupts, but I assume they know what they're doing and that it's fully debugged.

Permanently patching QB and the library --- that could be really dangerous. I would never do that. Besides, I use QuickBasic, there's no QB to patch!

My advice, Jpeppas, pick the solution which makes sense to you, and of course, one which works.
Plasma, would you mind explaining how your proggie will get the commandline parameters?
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