
Full Version: Make a two-player game under 5 kb
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This should be fun. I'll try it, too. No libs and try to make it graphical; text games are rarely fun. Post here to enter, the best one wins (by best, I mean most fun).
ok, i guess ill try
Do you mean something like this?

' Compile w/ ffix for maximum performance.

DECLARE FUNCTION FindEmptyIndex% (Array() AS ANY)

PRINT "Easy PQB Asteroids (C) 28/6/2003 by Na Than Assh Antti."
PRINT "Coded in 1 hour, probably slow (SCREEN 7 stuff)."
PRINT : PRINT "Keys: LEFT CTRL and ALT: Rotate left and right."
PRINT "      LEFT SHIFT: Advance."
PRINT "      RIGHT SHIFT: Fire."
PRINT : PRINT "Any key to play..."

CONST PI = 3.141516916#

TYPE ObjectData
   angle AS SINGLE
   state AS INTEGER
   radius AS SINGLE

TYPE Points

' Define our ship (triangle). It is centered in the origin:
DIM GfxShip(2) AS Points
GfxShip(0).x = 5: GfxShip(0).y = 0
GfxShip(1).x = -5: GfxShip(1).y = 5
GfxShip(2).x = -5: GfxShip(2).y = -5

' Asteroids:
DIM GfxAst0(6) AS Points
DIM GfxAst1(6) AS Points
DIM GfxAst2(6) AS Points

' Big asteroid:
GfxAst0(0).x = 17: GfxAst0(0).y = 0
GfxAst0(1).x = 5: GfxAst0(1).y = 12
GfxAst0(2).x = -8: GfxAst0(2).y = 7
GfxAst0(3).x = -19: GfxAst0(3).y = -1
GfxAst0(4).x = -5: GfxAst0(4).y = -4
GfxAst0(5).x = -2: GfxAst0(5).y = -13
GfxAst0(6).x = 3: GfxAst0(6).y = -4

' Mid asteroid:
FOR i% = 0 TO 6
   GfxAst1(i%).x = GfxAst0(i%).x * .75
   GfxAst1(i%).y = GfxAst0(i%).y * .75

' Small asteroid:
FOR i% = 0 TO 6
   GfxAst2(i%).x = GfxAst0(i%).x * .5
   GfxAst2(i%).y = GfxAst0(i%).y * .5

DIM MyShip AS ObjectData
MyShip.x = 160
MyShip.y = 100
MyShip.v = 2
MyShip.angle = 0!

DIM Asteroids(100) AS ObjectData
FOR i% = 0 TO 9
   Asteroids(i%).x = INT(RND * 320)
   Asteroids(i%).y = INT(RND * 200)
   Asteroids(i%).v = RND * 3 + 1
   Asteroids(i%).angle = RND * PI
   Asteroids(i%).radius = 12
   Asteroids(i%).state = 0             ' Big asteroids

FOR i% = 10 TO 100
   Asteroids(i%).state = -1         ' Not used

DIM Shoots(3) AS ObjectData
FOR i% = 0 TO 3: Shoots(i%).state = -1: NEXT i%

SCREEN 7, , 1, 0

FirePressed% = 0
Score% = 0
FlipFlop% = 0
FirstTime% = -1

WHILE INP(&H60) <> 1
   ' Create Asteroids?
   IF (Score% > 0 AND (Score% MOD 2100 = 0)) OR FirstTime% THEN
      FirstTime% = 0
      FOR i% = 0 TO 9
         Asteroids(i%).x = INT(RND * 320)
         Asteroids(i%).y = INT(RND * 200)
         Asteroids(i%).v = RND * 3 + 1
         Asteroids(i%).angle = RND * PI
         Asteroids(i%).radius = 12
         Asteroids(i%).state = 0             ' Big asteroids
      NEXT i%
      FOR i% = 10 TO 100
         Asteroids(i%).state = -1         ' Not used
      NEXT i%
   k$ = INKEY$ ' clear buffer

   ' Move Player:
   IF PEEK(1047) AND 4 THEN
      MyShip.angle = MyShip.angle - .1: IF MyShip.angle < 0 THEN MyShip.angle = 2 * PI
   IF PEEK(1047) AND 8 THEN
      MyShip.angle = MyShip.angle + .1: IF MyShip.angle > 2 * PI THEN MyShip.angle = 0
   IF PEEK(1047) AND 2 THEN Advance MyShip
   IF PEEK(1047) AND 1 THEN
      IF NOT FirePressed% THEN
         idx% = FindEmptyIndex%(Shoots())
         IF idx% <> -1 THEN
            Shoots(idx%).state = 0
            Shoots(idx%).x = MyShip.x
            Shoots(idx%).y = MyShip.y
            Shoots(idx%).angle = MyShip.angle
            Shoots(idx%).v = 4
         END IF
      END IF
      FirePressed% = -1
      FirePressed% = 0

   IF MyShip.x < 0 THEN MyShip.x = 319
   IF MyShip.x > 319 THEN MyShip.x = 0
   IF MyShip.y < 0 THEN MyShip.y = 199
   IF MyShip.y > 199 THEN MyShip.y = 0

   ' Move Asteroids

   FOR i% = 0 TO 100
      FlipFlop% = NOT -ABS(SGN(FlipFlop%))         ' Flip the Flop.
      IF Asteroids(i%).state <> -1 THEN
         IF FlipFlop% THEN Advance Asteroids(i%)
         IF Asteroids(i%).x < 0 THEN Asteroids(i%).x = 319
         IF Asteroids(i%).x > 319 THEN Asteroids(i%).x = 0
         IF Asteroids(i%).y < 0 THEN Asteroids(i%).y = 199
         IF Asteroids(i%).y > 199 THEN Asteroids(i%).y = 0

         ' Collisions:

         ' 1.- With shoots
         FOR j% = 0 TO 3
            ' Lame square checking (may this change??)
            IF Shoots(j%).state <> -1 THEN
               IF Shoots(j%).x > Asteroids(i%).x - Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                  IF Shoots(j%).x < Asteroids(i%).x + Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                     IF Shoots(j%).y > Asteroids(i%).y - Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                        IF Shoots(j%).y < Asteroids(i%).y + Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                           Shoots(j%).state = -1
                           ' Break Asteroid:
                           IF Asteroids(i%).state < 2 THEN
                              mySt% = Asteroids(i%).state
                              xx% = Asteroids(i%).x
                              yy% = Asteroids(i%).y
                              vv! = Asteroids(i%).v
                              a! = Asteroids(i%).angle
                              Asteroids(i%).state = -1
                              idx1% = FindEmptyIndex%(Asteroids())
                              IF idx1% <> -1 THEN
                                 Asteroids(idx1%).state = mySt% + 1
                                 Asteroids(idx1%).x = xx%
                                 Asteroids(idx1%).y = yy%
                                 Asteroids(idx1%).v = vv!
                                 Asteroids(idx1%).angle = a! + PI / 2
                                 IF (mySt% + 1) = 1 THEN
                                    Asteroids(idx1%).radius = 10
                                    Asteroids(idx1%).radius = 7
                                 END IF
                              END IF
                              idx2% = FindEmptyIndex%(Asteroids())
                              IF idx2% <> -1 THEN
                                 Asteroids(idx2%).state = mySt% + 1
                                 Asteroids(idx2%).x = xx%
                                 Asteroids(idx2%).y = yy%
                                 Asteroids(idx2%).v = vv!
                                 Asteroids(idx2%).angle = a! - PI / 2
                                 IF (mySt% + 1) = 1 THEN
                                    Asteroids(idx2%).radius = 10
                                    Asteroids(idx2%).radius = 7
                                 END IF
                              END IF
                              Score% = Score% + 2 * (mySt% + 1)
                              Asteroids(i%).state = -1   ' Break!
                              Score% = Score% + 50
                           END IF
                        END IF
                     END IF
                  END IF
               END IF
            END IF
         NEXT j%
         ' 2.- With player
         IF MyShip.x > Asteroids(i%).x - Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
            IF MyShip.x < Asteroids(i%).x + Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
               IF MyShip.y > Asteroids(i%).y - Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                  IF MyShip.y < Asteroids(i%).y + Asteroids(i%).radius THEN
                     SCREEN 7, , 0, 0
                     t$ = "FINAL SCORE:" + STR$(Score%)
                     LOCATE 12, 20 - LEN(t$) \ 2: PRINT t$
                     WHILE k$ <> INKEY$: WEND
                     SLEEP: k$ = INKEY$
                     FirstTime% = -1: Score% = 0
                     SCREEN 7, , 1, 0
                  END IF
               END IF
            END IF
         END IF
      END IF
   NEXT i%

   ' Move Shoots
   FOR i% = 0 TO 3
      IF Shoots(i%).state <> -1 THEN
         Advance Shoots(i%)
         IF Shoots(i%).x < 0 OR Shoots(i%).x > 319 OR Shoots(i%).y < 0 OR Shoots(i%).y > 199 THEN Shoots(i%).state = -1
      END IF
   NEXT i%

   ' Render:
   LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 0, BF
   ObjDraw MyShip, GfxShip()

   FOR i% = 0 TO 100
      SELECT CASE Asteroids(i%).state
         CASE 0:
            ObjDraw Asteroids(i%), GfxAst0()
         CASE 1:
            ObjDraw Asteroids(i%), GfxAst1()
         CASE 2:
            ObjDraw Asteroids(i%), GfxAst2()
   NEXT i%
   FOR i% = 0 TO 3
      IF Shoots(i%).state <> -1 THEN
         PSET (Shoots(i%).x, Shoots(i%).y), 15
      END IF
   NEXT i%

   LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT Score%

   WAIT &H3DA, 8, 8: WAIT &H3DA, 8
   PCOPY 1, 0

SUB Advance (GfxObj AS ObjectData)
   GfxObj.x = GfxObj.x + GfxObj.v * COS(GfxObj.angle)
   GfxObj.y = GfxObj.y + GfxObj.v * SIN(GfxObj.angle)

FUNCTION FindEmptyIndex% (Array() AS ObjectData)
   res% = -1
   FOR i% = 0 TO UBOUND(Array)
      IF Array(i%).state = -1 THEN res% = i%: EXIT FOR
   NEXT i%
   FindEmptyIndex% = res%

SUB ObjDraw (GfxObj AS ObjectData, Tri() AS Points)
   ' Draws a rotated closed polygon. It uses the typlica matrix transform
   ' for 2D

   oldxx% = 0: oldyy% = 0
   FOR i% = 0 TO UBOUND(Tri)
      ' Rotate points
      xx% = INT(Tri(i%).x * COS(GfxObj.angle) - Tri(i%).y * SIN(GfxObj.angle))
      yy% = INT(Tri(i%).x * SIN(GfxObj.angle) + Tri(i%).y * COS(GfxObj.angle))

      IF i% > 0 THEN
         LINE (GfxObj.x + oldxx%, GfxObj.y + oldyy%)-(GfxObj.x + xx%, GfxObj.y + yy%)
         ' First point: no line to draw. Instead, we remember it to
         ' close the polygon after the loop ends.
         initxx% = xx%: inityy% = yy%
      END IF

      oldxx% = xx%
      oldyy% = yy%

   NEXT i%
   LINE (GfxObj.x + oldxx%, GfxObj.y + oldyy%)-(GfxObj.x + initxx%, GfxObj.y + inityy%)

Obviously this doesn't qualify, 'cause it is not a two player game. But I mean: Do you want simple games which source code is less than 5 Kb?

If so, maybe I give it a try. Coding something in just 30 minutes is fun Smile
Yeah, keep it simple. Source code must be under 5 kb. Hmm... maybe that's to much.
When does this challenge expire? I'm working on something else right now, but I'd like to give 'er a shot.
(thinks about space shooters...)
And text games are rarely fun? I strongly disagree.
Quote:When does this challenge expire? I'm working on something else right now, but I'd like to give 'er a shot.
(thinks about space shooters...)
And text games are rarely fun? I strongly disagree.

It shouldn't take very much time for people to finish their entries, so I'll just wait for everyone to finish. Unless of course they take way to much time. Just hurry up and finish whatever you're doing, and then do this.

Text games are rarely fun, but not always. Some of them are pretty cool but most are kinda boring.
Quote:Text games are rarely fun, but not always. Some of them are pretty cool but most are kinda boring.

im insulted.... i like making text games (mainly becuase i stink at everything else =P)
Quote:im insulted.... i like making text games (mainly becuase i stink at everything else =P)

I enjoy making text games as well. But not the type you two are thinking of. I like making parsers for handling interactive fiction (like Zork) games.

When it comes to this challenge I can see three possible entries. First and most obvious would be pong. Second would be space invaders. And third would be tetris.
Hello. I am sorta a QBASIC newbie. I have been working on it for a while. most of my games and simulations are under 5kb. here is an example.

ü  ‚ Qÿÿ$ ÿÿÇf  <5  ]] n t ˜ ’   Ü z       ¤ ² €x  V ˆ  Æ Í û ò Ô                   ÄR ž  Key– speed«  delaq pxj py   upk   dnk¸  x½ y¿  xs* ys   erã  ere   ewr# pc   cir   lin oly
 olxé  size· por   wec starx   stary   starz   thQ olsxK olsyC starcW der   starnum   rix   riy   dere   bx   by   dw   rtœ try§ bxs   bys‡ bolxŽ boy   box   boly   Oh   mathew3¯ riy2   rix2   ty   tyt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      }  eè  é   }$  eè  ò   }6  eè  û   }H  eè      F     V   sdsdÁ   m- Press the up key you want for this pong game."–     V z   V m  qc N     F     V   sdsdÁ   m/ Press the down key you want for this pong game."–     V    V m  qc ¼     se
ç      d ]     e2 *    k  Ã€? j  d q    e  K  ed Q    d ˆ   ed      d ’   d ˜     d     ²     e- Ô     d *V ÿÿH  Ce@p&n   é   CeÈ p&n   ò   Cdpn   û   Cdp&ne        f ÿÿ     F     V     —    51  56     d *V ÿÿ¨   #d   û dpnd V ÿÿ
   5   é   û dwnpn  <   ò   û dwnpn  #d    #f ÿÿ   ed   û k
×£<wned pnw §  e    û k
×£<wne  pnw ¯  ed   û ed pnw <  e    û e  pnw 5     é
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×£<wnpn  §   ò   û k
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   ] k   ?  ]   ] e ^nM .
   ] kÍÌÌ=  ]   P     —   
9*   Wde V ÿÿn
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   K Q WCd
p&ne5      Wf ÿÿ     ‡ € cd      ck   ?  c     K Q cCe p&n      ce _na >   K Q cd    d c  P     WddV ÿÿ¬  Ce¸ p&n ]   ]eÄ    _na ~  I ¢   K Q We Ww    P   Wf ÿÿ   —   
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it is unreadable because I used a form of qbasic that.... encripts it or something when I save it. you will have to run it in that one. It is a no sound space pong game. the graphics are pretty cool, and the effects of hyper-space are awesome! Big Grin I gtg now.[/code]
er you are using qb4.5 I think

well in the save box click the radio button that says text mode or soemthing That saves it as a readable format
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