
Full Version: QBasic syntax highlighted code
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[syntax="qbasic"]'Test QB program
REM Another comment

INPUT "An input statement!", A$
PRINT "An output statement!"

A$ = A$ + "Test" 'A

FOR i% = 1 TO 100
PRINT i% + "." + "Blah!!!"

Why isnt "NEXT" highlighted?

Why are "REM" and " ' " comments differently highlighted?
* Both problems now fixed, I hadn't defined REM as a comment,
* and the NEXT wasn't highlighted because of php's REGEXP
* behaviour.

while ( $r == true )
$foo = array(
'1' => 'Hello!!!',
'2' => "Here's a string with different delimiters ( ' ' ' ') and escaped chars \" hello \ shlkej \n \""
Great. Is C/C++ supported?

/* A comment */
// Another comment!

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
cout<<"This is an output statement!!!";

edit: guess no =(
*cough* *whisper* I still like the idea with images... *sigh*
Yes, I'll put that in, hopefully later today Big Grin

Ideas for colors? I need colors for:

brackets (?)

(that's a small list for a language, it must be QB ^_^)

[syntax="qbasic"]' a comment
( ) ' some brackets
PRINT "a keyword, and a string";
A# = 4 ' a var
'$include: 'some meta'[/syntax]
=O its working!! yey!!
How about each user setting their own color template!!!...never mind...

Just wondering, would it be hard/slow to have the stylsheet/whatever color info (qbasic syntax and/or even rest of the forum)
saved as a cookie on the users computer and the user having
the possibility to [totally] customize the look of the forum?
It would take too much of my time Sad

I'm going to ditch the IDE - as those in subOracle can see, it doesn't look that great, especially when there's a long line of code. I'll change the colours back and upload the new syntax engine (which will do the numbers and brackets again).
You changed the mini pictures for Sub-Oracle!!
Now It is very hard to see what is a new post and what is old! It hurts my eyes because I have to take time to check carfully wether a topic has new posts. anyone agree with me?

Maybe you could darken the "New posts" picture, make the contrast between that and the "No new posts" more clear. Thnx

Edit: And waht happened to the QBasic screen images thing?

Edit2: and the syntax="qbasic" thingy doesnt indent properly...
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