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I was planning to make a RPG map making tool that you can scroll the map while editing it, but I ran into quite abit of a problem, it seems that some of the code for mouse displayer and screen scroller are in some sort of conflict somewhere in a memory buffer and I dont have a clue to how to make the nessessary changes to resolve that. So ill paste some of the code and see if anyone would like to resolve the conflict.

Do note, that its still abit messy at the moment as I was doing abit of copy and pasting the mouse and screen scrolling parts together...

DECLARE SUB mouse (cx, dx, bx)
DECLARE SUB mouse2 (cx, dx, bx)
DECLARE SUB mousepointer (SW)
DIM SHARED a(9)                 'Set up array for code
DEF SEG = VARSEG(a(0))          'Get array segment (nnnn:    )
                 '    (two 8 bit)
    FOR i = 0 TO 17                 'length of DATA to
       READ r                       'read
       POKE VARPTR(a(0)) + i, r     'into array/2 (nnnn:iiii) (one 8 bit)
    NEXT i                          'until 17
'**************************** Machine Code *********************************

DATA &HB8,&H00,&H00   :   ' mov  AX,[n]       [Swap code-(L),(H)] in AX
DATA &H55             :   ' push BP           Save BP
DATA &H8B,&HEC        :   ' mov  BP,SP        Get BP to c Seg
DATA &HCD,&H33        :   ' int  33           Interrupt 33
DATA &H92             :   ' xchg AX,[reg]     [Swap code-reg] in AX
DATA &H8B,&H5E,&H06   :   ' mov  BX,[BP+6]    Point to (variable)
DATA &H89,&H07        :   ' mov  [BX],AX      Put AX in (variable)
DATA &H5D             :   ' pop  BP           Restore BP
DATA &HCA,&H02,&H00   :   ' ret  2            Far return


                 '****************    Notes     ***********************
                          ' call MOUSE sub  checks x,y of mouse pos and see if a button  has
                      ' been clicked.
                          ' cx=  is y pos of mouse when call MOUSE sub is called
                          ' dx=  is x pos of mouse when call MOUSE sub is called
                          ' bx=  is mouse button pressed?(0,1,2 or 3"

'****************************** Mouse set up ******************************
arr$(1) = "c14 u3f3bl6e3df2l4e"                
arr$(2) = "c14 d3e3bl6f3uhulr4g"
arr$(3) = "c14 l3f3bu6g3re2d4h"            ' just some pointer icons that change
arr$(4) = "c14 r3g3bu6f3lhlud4e"        ' colors when clicked on to scroll the
arr$(5) = "c15 u3f3bl6e3df2l4e"            ' map.
arr$(6) = "c15 d3e3bl6f3uhulr4g"
arr$(7) = "c15 l3f3bu6g3re2d4h"
arr$(8) = "c15 r3g3bu6f3lhlud4e"

1 DIM tile(119, 226)
2 DIM map(9999)
4 LOCATE 15, 1: INPUT "Enter size of map to create(156,156 is max)"; xmax, ymax
6 num = 0
7 filename$ = "maps\Wldmap" + LTRIM$(STR$(num)) + ".WLD"
9 OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #1
10 PRINT filename$ + " already exists."
11 CLOSE #1
12 num = num + 1
13 filename$ = "maps\Wldmap" + LTRIM$(STR$(num)) + ".WLD"
14 GOTO 9
15 PRINT "The filename will be "; filename$; "."
17 PRINT "Initializing "; filename$; " for editing"
18 td = 0
19 FOR y = 1 TO ymax
20 FOR x = 1 TO xmax
21 IF x = xmax THEN
    PRINT #1, LTRIM$(STR$(td))
    PRINT #1, LTRIM$(STR$(td) + ",");
    END IF
22 NEXT x
23 NEXT y
24 CLOSE #1
26 FOR j = 0 TO 109
27 FOR i = 0 TO 224
28 INPUT #2, t: tile(j, i) = t
31 SCREEN 13
32 fx = 5: fx2 = 315: fy = 5: fy2 = 97
33 FOR d = 1 TO 5: LINE (fx, fy)-(fx2, fy2), 9, B
34 fx = fx - 1: fy = fy - 1: fx2 = fx2 + 1: fy2 = fy2 + 1: NEXT d
35 PSET (160, 5): DRAW arr$(1): PSET (160, 97): DRAW arr$(2)
36 PSET (5, 50): DRAW arr$(3): PSET (315, 50): DRAW arr$(4)

37 OPEN "MapData.txt" FOR INPUT AS #3
38 FOR i = 0 TO 9999
39 INPUT #3, m: map(i) = m: NEXT: GOSUB 200

40 CALL mousepointer(0)
41 CALL mousepointer(1)
42 CALL mousepointer(3)
43 CALL mouse(cx, dx, bx)
44 key$ = INKEY$: IF UCASE$(key$) = "q" THEN END

45 IF key$ = "4" OR cx >= 47 AND cx <= 53 AND dx >= 0 AND dx <= 5 AND bx = 1 THEN '   <
    PSET (5, 50): DRAW arr$(7)
    PSET (5, 50): DRAW arr$(3)
    END IF
46 IF key$ = "6" OR cx >= 47 AND cx <= 53 AND dx >= 315 AND dx <= 320 AND bx = 1 THEN '   >
    PSET (315, 50): DRAW arr$(8)
    PSET (315, 50): DRAW arr$(4)
    END IF
47 IF key$ = "8" OR cx >= 0 AND cx <= 5 AND dx >= 157 AND dx <= 163 AND bx = 1 THEN '  ^
    PSET (160, 5): DRAW arr$(5)
    PSET (160, 5): DRAW arr$(1)
    END IF
48 IF key$ = "4" OR cx >= 97 AND cx <= 101 AND dx >= 157 AND dx <= 163 AND bx = 1 THEN '   V
    PSET (160, 97): DRAW arr$(6)
    PSET (160, 97): DRAW arr$(2)
    END IF

49 LOCATE 14, 1: PRINT USING "Cx=### Dx=### Bx=###"; cx; dx; bx;
50 LOCATE 14, 23: PRINT "Key="; key$
FOR d = 1 TO 8
PSET (80 + (d * 10), 150): DRAW arr$(d): NEXT d

'CALL mousepointer(2)

100 IF ERR = 53 THEN
    OPEN filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1
    RESUME 15
    END IF

198 PRINT                        'if unknown error occurs then display
PRINT "error"; ERR; "occured at line"; ERL: END    'error code no.  and line no.

200 DEF SEG = &HA000
201 hScroll = 0'These variables will keep track of
202 vScroll = 0'how far the screen has scrolled
203 verticalVal = vScroll
204 tileX = hScroll \ 15'Calculate all original values
205 tileY = verticalVal \ 15
206 mapElem = tileY * 20 + tileX
207 spriteX = hScroll MOD 15
208 spriteY = vScroll MOD 15
209 spriteElem = spriteY * 15 + spriteX
210 WAIT &H3DA, 8'Wait for vertical retrace
211 FOR screenY = 40 TO 130
212 offset& = screenY * 320& + 100
213 FOR screenX = 119 TO 229
214 POKE offset&, tile(map(mapElem), spriteElem)
215 offset& = offset& + 1
216 spriteElem = spriteElem + 1
217 IF spriteElem MOD 15 = 0 THEN
218 spriteElem = spriteElem - 15
219 mapElem = mapElem + 1
220 END IF
221 NEXT
222 verticalVal = verticalVal + 1
223 tileY = verticalVal \ 15
224 mapElem = tileY * 20 + tileX
225 spriteY = spriteY + 1
226 IF spriteY = 15 THEN spriteY = 0
227 spriteElem = spriteY * 15 + spriteX
228 NEXT


'****************************** SUBS **********************************************
'****** Note none of subs is on the same module ***********************************

SUB mouse (cx, dx, bx)
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H92           'Swap code,Get CX setup
      CALL absolute(cx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code
          cx = cx                      'Adjust 25x80
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H91           'Swap code,Get DX setup
      CALL absolute(dx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code
          dx = dx / 2                   'Adjust 25x80
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H93           'Swap code,Get BX setup
      CALL absolute(bx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code

                   'Note :
                   'Remove the /8
                   'for graphics modes.


SUB mouse2 (cx, dx, bx)  'Duplicate mouse call is for  tile selector
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H92           'Swap code,Get CX setup
      CALL absolute(cx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code
          cx = cx / 16                    'Adjust 25x80
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H91           'Swap code,Get DX setup
      CALL absolute(dx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code
          dx = dx / 16.5                    'Adjust 25x80
       POKE VARPTR(a(4)), &H93           'Swap code,Get BX setup
      CALL absolute(bx, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code

                   'Note :
                   'Remove the /8
                   'for graphics modes.


SUB mousepointer (SW)
       POKE VARPTR(a(0)) + 1, SW         'Swap code,Set AX = (SW)
      CALL absolute(c, VARPTR(a(0)))     'Run Code

                         'SW = 0-reset
                         'SW = 1-on
                         'SW = 2-off
                         'SW = 3-coordinates

Quote:I was planning to make a RPG map making tool that you can scroll the map while editing it, but I ran into quite abit of a problem, it ....

15 PRINT "The filename will be "; filename$; "."
17 PRINT "Initializing "; filename$; " for editing"

Did you missed a "OPEN Filename$ FOR OUTPUT AS #1"

also, we cant help you until you provide us with the contents of TILEINFO.TXT and MAPDATA.TXT
I can not imagine why everyone use that Assembly stuff for mouse.
I could write my mouse routines without any ASM just in a half hour...
It's been awhile since I looked at some QB code, and your code is a bit hard to read, so I will make a stab in the dark and guess, based on my own experience with graphics programs that use the mouse, that you're having either mouse trails or screen tearing around the pointer...am I right? Big Grin If this is the case, then you need to hide the cursor when you update the area of the screen where the mouse is presently located, then show it again once you're done updating. If you want to do it the quick and dirty way, simply hide the mouse cursor, redraw your screen, and then show it. Quick, easy, and effective. Smile

If this is not the problem you're having, then I have no clue what to tell ya. Big Grin
Why don't you just turn the mouse cursor off and use the coordinates to draw your own pointer...
Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick...CGI JOE WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN Big Grin

Actually, that's not a bad idea either... Smile
Quote:Why don't you just turn the mouse cursor off and use the coordinates to draw your own pointer...

Name change again eh? :*)

Welcome back.
Name change? Who the hell was he before? Big Grin
Affeine, Generic and something else I can't remember. :*)
adosorken, like I said its a mess and thanks to your suggestion , I was able to resolve the problem.

I had to add the some lines after the DEF SEG = &HA000 and some other changes and they seem to work very well. I would have highlighted the changes, but I had problems getting the post to show them:

200 DEF SEG = &HA000
201 hScroll = 0'These variables will keep track of
202 vScroll = 0'how far the screen has scrolled
203 verticalVal = vScroll
204 tileX = hScroll \ 15'Calculate all original values
205 tileY = verticalVal \ 15
206 mapElem = tileY * 20 + tileX
207 spriteX = hScroll MOD 15
208 spriteY = vScroll MOD 15
209 spriteElem = spriteY * 15 + spriteX
210 WAIT &H3DA, 8'Wait for vertical retrace
211 FOR screenY = 40 TO 130
212 offset& = screenY * 320& + 100
213 FOR screenX = 119 TO 229
214 POKE offset&, tile(map(mapElem), spriteElem)
215 offset& = offset& + 1
216 spriteElem = spriteElem + 1
217 IF spriteElem MOD 15 = 0 THEN
218 spriteElem = spriteElem - 15
219 mapElem = mapElem + 1
220 END IF
221 NEXT
222 verticalVal = verticalVal + 1
223 tileY = verticalVal \ 15
224 mapElem = tileY * 20 + tileX
225 spriteY = spriteY + 1
226 IF spriteY = 15 THEN spriteY = 0
227 spriteElem = spriteY * 15 + spriteX
228 NEXT
229 DEF SEG = VARSEG(a(0))         'NEW LINE
230 return 41                       'NEW LINE

45 IF key$ = "4" OR cx >= 47 AND cx <= 53 AND dx >= 0 AND dx <= 5 AND bx = 1 THEN '   <
   PSET (5, 50): DRAW arr$(7)
   call mouse pointer(2)                           'NEW LINE
   gosub 200                                           'NEW LINE
   PSET (5, 50): DRAW arr$(3)
46 IF key$ = "6" OR cx >= 47 AND cx <= 53 AND dx >= 315 AND dx <= 320 AND bx = 1 THEN '   >
   PSET (315, 50): DRAW arr$(8)
   call mouse pointer(2)                         'NEW LINE
   gosub 200                                         'NEW LINE
   PSET (315, 50): DRAW arr$(4)
47 IF key$ = "8" OR cx >= 0 AND cx <= 5 AND dx >= 157 AND dx <= 163 AND bx = 1 THEN '  ^
   PSET (160, 5): DRAW arr$(5)
   call mouse pointer(2)                        'NEW LINE
   gosub 200                                        'NEW LINE
   PSET (160, 5): DRAW arr$(1)
48 IF key$ = "4" OR cx >= 97 AND cx <= 101 AND dx >= 157 AND dx <= 163 AND bx = 1 THEN '   V
   PSET (160, 97): DRAW arr$(6)
   call mouse pointer(2)                       'NEW LINE
   gosub 200                                       'NEW LINE
   PSET (160, 97): DRAW arr$(2)
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