
Full Version: How do you let QB Communicate with the LTP port
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I'm working on a school project. And we're macing a defice that test's the performance of the LTP port.

Here the (how do you say that in englisch) the drawing that shows componnents and stuff:
[Image: Skema.JPG]

We have to write a testing program, but here's the problem our computer programming teacher got sick and we 've have to finsh the project soon, can anyone help me out.

I don't ask you to do my homework but can someone just tell me how you can let QB communicate with QB.


I'm not positive about this, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the OPEN COM statement. Someone else will know more than me Wink

The reason I posted is to tell you that we call that a "diagram". Just so ya know, dude Smile (If you knew that, sorry. Not trying to insult your intelligence... ;p)

If you are using Windows XP or another NT type operating system, it will be hard.

With DOS or Windows up to Win98 use

OUT &h378, yourdata

yourdata is a byte

Hope this helps.
OUT is the best way to go. Alternatively, LPRINT with dump specific character (as to a printer).

If you're trying to a really precise speed test, I'd go with 16-bit dos C or Pascal (like, on an actual dos6 machine, so you avoid the windows emulation layer and whatever else)

If you're in a hurry, www.jspayne.com has an activeX control for VB that will work on XP and control the Parallel port. It's not free, but there's a demo that would be fine for your purposes.

Also check out: http://www.programmersheaven.com/zone3/cat408/16165.htm (c-source, but yeah)

For me, I've been doing a bunch of stuff with a serial port interface box recently. I had an ActiveX control that was crashing under winXP, so I ended up recoding the communications protocol to use the official MSComm control.
Thanks for the reply's everyone.

The teacher purpose was that we program it in Pascall, but I wonderred if it could be done in QB.

The computers at school run Win XP so I think I've got a problem if I wanna use QB. So I will try Pascall, but that's a new language for me.
If you're using XP, you won't be able to access the parallel port in any DOS-based language...to get around this, you can install GiveIO.

Accessing the parallel port in QB is easy, but I don't know how accurate a speed test would be, especially under Windows.