
Full Version: impressions of each other over time?
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its funny how the first thing, idea, or image that comes to our mind when talkin to someone online changes as time passes... for instance, when i talk to nek, i think of someone sleepin with a dead person cuz i always saw his name as Nekropheliac instead of phidius.... And the name Fling-master always made me think of spring break and havin a fling in Miami... and mech's name makes me think of that game for GameCube with the Mechgun lol... and Nova makes me think back to Carter, who nobody probably knew, who i met in qbasic.com's chatroom and we were supposed to be colaborating on a new QB compiler called SuperNova... but i never saw him again after that day. and when i did, he was really distracted seeming. it was weird.

wow im nuts.
for the first time in many years, if not my whole life, i feel completely comfortable with who i am online and in real life. i feel like there is a good balance between the two, and i also feel like i am being myself all the time in both places. it feels very satisfying...

also, working third shift sucks because of one main reason: you start to get ready at around 10 or 11, during which you feel completely tired... and you wish you could just lie down and sleep, because it would feel sooo completely comfortable and warm and relaxing and good all over. But you know you must go to work, so you go, feel tired the ENTIRE 8 hours at work, and look forward to the sleep you can get when you get home and lie down. BUT, then as soon as you get into the car, and drive home, and get in the house, you arent tired anymore! It's very iritating! i really seriously do forget how much i appreciate sleep when this happens, and it sucks monkey scrodum.
You're right, I DON'T know who this Carter fellow is... Oh well, at least I was mentioned! I always feel as though I'm the guy in the corner that people sometimes acknowledge, but otherwise pay no atention to whatsoever.

And yeah, I feel like I know some people here...
Quote:You're right, I DON'T know who this Carter fellow is... Oh well, at least I was mentioned! I always feel as though I'm the guy in the corner that people sometimes acknowledge, but otherwise pay no atention to whatsoever.

And yeah, I feel like I know some people here...

I pay attention to you 8)
I really appreciate your help when I have asked for help on QB

I am honered to know you Nova & alot of other QBers here at QBASICNEWS 8)
In order to make your mark in the Qmunity, you have to take it by the balls and give it a good yank. In other words...you have to blow people away one way or another with skills or personality.