
Full Version: _which Basic produces smallest executables?
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i mean just to make two or three SHELLs or PRINTs, etc
__QBtinny, i did dislike it and i can't buy the PDQ
__MicroBasic doesn't even have the minimum commands like QBasic
__TurboBasic, believe it or not, produces bigger executables than QB4.5
__Fbsl "free Basic scripting language", it's for 32bits, the tinny executables need a Dll, i want them Independent, normal executables are double size than the QBX

does anybody know about another Basic compiler for this purpose?
(i can stomach if the executables are only for 32bits)
For jobs like that, assembler is best. A dos batch file might work better and be smaller than a qb program too, if all you need are things like PRINT and SHELL. If you want to use a basic, PowerBasic can produce pretty small executables.

Here's a DOS batch file tutorial I found with google.

These assemblers all have lots of tutorials, docs, and people that can help you learn them:

Flat Assembler: syntax is a lot like Netwide, but its documentation is easier, simpler, and more to the point. Has a PhpBB forum like qbasicnews with some helpful knowledgable people.

Netwide Assembler: This one is much more popular than Flat Assembler, may be more reliable, and has much more detailed, but harder to navigate, documentation. No official forum except the lousy one provided by sourceforge. You'll find some good tutorials in the links section.

Masm32: A distribution of Microsoft's assembler along with additional tools meant for Windows programming, but masm can still be used for dos 16 or 32 bit. There are lots of sites with tutorials and forums where you can find help with this one.
Try moonrock. Hello world = 216 bytes Smile
i did already download the Moonrock i'll try with it, i can't understand assemblers and i have no any money for these days
__thanks to both__
Have you tried EXE packers?
no, i do not know Exe packers, if they are for compacting Exes and you can run them like a normal Exe, i really would like to know them
Here's a free one that has a forum: UPX

And there are a few more on this page, but a lot of them only work on Windows executables. UPX works with DOS, Windows, and Linux executables.