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I'm trying to load MYSQL up with PHP5, and everything's working, except when I reset Apache. I get an error saying "Unable to load dynamic library '[php_mysql.dll path]' - The specified procedure could not be found".

Anybody know what's up?
You're in Windows, right? It seems that the path specified to the mysql dll is wrong. What does phpinfo tell you the path to the dll should be? (Look at the compile options). What about php.ini?
Php.ini is set up fine. Where I have [php_mysql.dll path], that's where it displays the real directory, where I am 100000000000% sure it's there.
Hmmm, dunno then. Try the FAQ at zend.com, maybe that'll help you out.
Zend doesn't seem to have any info either.

Ah screw it. I'm going back to PHP4 until the MYSQL support for PHP5 is solidified...
PHP 5 and MySQL works fine with me Big Grin . It should work perfect with a pre-done package, like XAMPP at http://www.apachefriends.org. It's all configured, besides setting the MySQL passwords. MUCH easier! Almost no setup! If you don't want to reinstall Apache and MySQL, then I'd go with 4.