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Ok.... So people tell me that starting off with an RPG when only have programed for 3 days now is probably not the best idea. So the next question i pose is this: "What in the world should i start out with and were do i get help in starting it." Please someone help me with an idea that i can use. But also keep in mind i really want to use the bmp thingy. So something with graphics maybe like a warcraft game or something of the sort. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated....
Start with guess the number. Then tic tac toe.

Trying to make a "warcraft game" without even a week's programming experience is like a fat, middle-aged couch potato trying to compete in a triathlon...you gotta work up to it.
Space scrolling shooter (arcade style)
Simple Risk Clone?

RTS*, RPG, and 3D, the three hardest genres when it comes to making a game in QB (In my opinion)

*Real Time Strategy, like Warcraft.
I would say RPG's are the easiest...

A good game you could start on is battleship...
Quote:I would say RPG's are the easiest...

Trust me, they are damn hard. If you want to create a decent one, anyways.

The engine isnt too hard, if you just want a normal pxp scroller with npcs and objects, but the hardest part is actually writing the scripts, scripting, story, quests, fighting, etc