
Full Version: ROLAND moved
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Hey guys... Quick update on my ROLAND program. For those of you who don't know, ROLAND was originally a program I made in 1999 in QB and I just recently in 2003 ported it to PHP. Added some features like user login and PHP & HTML responses for it's internet integration, and now I've just moved to a new server.

ROLAND is a chat program that learns from the conversations it has. It is not always perfect at holding a conversation and at some times can appear schizophrenic, but overall, it's fun to talk with. It's actually amazing some of the things he will say now that I've put him online. Sometimes he can be an asshole as well... I think we all can relate. ^_^

Anyway, the system is still going through changes as I have yet to activate the multiple Identities feature which allows users to create their own chat identities, talk to other created identities, and have their own chat identities talk to other chat identities. I also want to create an IRC plugin that will allow ROLAND identities to go loose on IRC.

Otherwise, there's massive work I'm doing on the logic engine itself. So far, by taking a look at the code in the Information page, you can see how the basic logic works for the program, and this works for now, it's just not sufficient for higher level functionalities that I will be putting in place.

Anyway, the project has been fun, and you all can check out the download and the online versions at:


and just let me know what you think... you can even post interesting conversations you've had with ROLAND.

Have Fun!
i get an error when attempting to sign up, it says "duplicate key 'Dark_prevail'"

does this mean im already signed up? I tried to log in but with no success?
Hehehe, this is fun =P
can you reset mine? I forget my password also... encrypt them please!

EDIT: w00t!!!!!!! 1701! queit possibly the best Star Ship ever mader =D
i registered but i cant sign in!