
Full Version: Registry fun...
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Okay, so I'm messing with the registry, seeing if I can use the same technique for shell extensions as I applied to directories and drives with normal extensions, in this case, jpeg images. I look into HKCR\.jpg to see that it has an OpenWithProgids subkey. Cool. Well, from there we have value "jpegfile"...okay, tracking that down, we got the usual structure..."shell" followed with "open" and then "command". But in this case, adding a new subkey under "shell" seems to have no actual effect in the shell. A few other interesting keys, values and datas show up here though...inside of HKCR\jpegfile\shell\open, there's a value called "MuiVerb" with data of "@shimgvw.dll,-550". Umm...? I tried messing with MuiVerb in my own subkey of shell, but again, nothing happened. Also, I'm not quite sure what HKCR\jpegfile\CLSID is pointing at... Sad finally, at HKCR\jpegfile itself, there's three very weird values: EditFlags, FriendlyTypeName, and ImageOptionFlags. No clue what these suckers do. Sad

Basically, I'm attempting to "attach" a shell command to all JPG files without resorting to the method I used in SSM Player, which forces the default option to be the shell command. Anyone know how this is done?