
Full Version: Lanczos3/Mitchell/Spline/Triangle algorithms?
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Does anyone know where I can find some BASIC or C code examples of any of these algorithms in use? I've looked on google for what seems like ages now...maybe I'm using incorrect keywords or something but...

For those who don't know, these are algorithms often used in image resizing. The reason I'm looking into them is because my own algorithm used in DeskQueen isn't quite up to par with what I want to do, and I'm looking to replace it with an algorithm already in use and of the efficiency and quality I'm looking for. I've read that Spline is arguably the best for image upsizing, and Lanczos3 is the best for downsizing. So...anyone know of any good links?
I dunno if you've heard of the GD library - you probably have, in any case it's the library that php uses for its image functions. It's written in C, maybe it has implementations of those algos in it?

404. Sad and yeah, I've heard of gd...I've used gd2 in a few sites for thumbnailing routines. It doesn't appear to use the algorithms though. I did find some sourcecode on PSC, but it's a bit hard to follow...I'll keep pluggin away at it though. Big Grin
I got the 404 too seems the server is set to only receive with the 3 w's http://www.boutell.com/gd/
Dontcha hate servers like that? Smile. My university actually enforces it before almost everything... we have urls like www.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx :o