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cause i see the need for it hehe...

note the sdl headers are not ported 100% nor are they tested 100% so plz send any problems you have in here, but make sure that it's not your fault, thus read the sdl documentation on http://www.libsdl.org. i'm willing to help but i only got little time and can't check every sourcecode problem there is. thx
If I call SDL_Init, I cant put pixels on a surface... The program either crash, or freeze.

Tested on 640x480 to 1280x1024 (all 32bit), none worked (I only tested the standard ones)

If I use SDL_Init the program crash here:
    cl = screen->pixels + y * screen->pitch + x * len( integer )
    *cl = colkey

Although, WITHOUT SDL_Init, it works fine... plots the pixels, screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(xRes, yRes, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_FULLSCREEN) Works fine...

AMD Duron
GeForce 2 GTS

If needed I can post driver specs, I downloaded drivers from nVidia less then two weks ago
Works fine for me:

'' SDL pixel ploting example

defint a-z
option explicit

'$include: "sdl\sdl.bi"

const SCR_WIDTH  = 320*2
const SCR_HEIGHT = 240*2

declare sub doRender (byval screen as SDL_Surface ptr)

    dim result as unsigned integer
    dim screen as SDL_Surface ptr

    result = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING)
    if result <> 0 then
          end 1
    end if

    if screen = 0 then
        end 1
    end if
          doRender screen
        SDL_Flip screen
        result = SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
    loop while result <> 1


sub doRender( byval screen as SDL_Surface ptr )
    dim buffer as uinteger ptr
    dim x as integer, y as integer
    dim c as uinteger
    dim i as integer
    SDL_LockSurface( screen )
    for i = 1 to 1000
        x = rnd * (SCR_WIDTH-1)
        y = rnd * (SCR_HEIGHT-1)
        c = rnd * 2^24
        buffer = screen->pixels + y * screen->pitch + x * len( integer )
        *buffer = c
    next i
    SDL_UnlockSurface( screen )
end sub

If you access a single pixel outside the surface it will generate an exception. Doing "y = rnd * SCR_HEIGHT will do that, as y can be equal to SCR_HEIGHT, that is one pixel over the max possible coord (that is 0..SCR_HEIGHT-1).

Or then it could be another Win 9x quirk with SDL, if you are running on it.
Win98 Big Grin
V3cz0r he was using my pixle plot demo i was having him try it out to test speed. anyways the demo keeped crashing this lead to 2 hours of tracking down why it was crashing on his computer.

it seems like SDL_MapRBG was causing the crash since. Z!re un Remmed my retro fitted RBG combiner that and got it to work.

(oh ya thanks marzectm for showing me how to pass a pointer to a pointer.)

anyways after the Z!re compared some full screen sdl demo code he had to mying and saw that my code had SDL_init being used after remming out SDL_init the SDL_MapRBG worked.

which to me makes zero sence because my demo works fine here my only guss would be that SDL_init is loading somthing up that screawing with his hardware.

defint a-z
option explicit

'$include: "sdl\sdl.bi"
'$include: "gl\gl.bi"
'$include: "gl\glu.bi

declare sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE)

dim screen as SDL_Surface ptr
dim a as string
Dim X as integer
Dim Y as integer
Dim C as UBYTE
dim result as unsigned integer

if result <> 0 then
end 1
end if

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_DOUBLEBUF or SDL_FULLSCREEN)
if screen = 0 then
end 1
end if

result = SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
if result > 0 then exit do
SDL_LockSurface (screen)
For X = 1 to 640
for Y = 1 to 480
Pset screen ,X,Y,X/C,C*Y+X,5+RND(250)
if C > 255 then C = 0
SDL_unlocksurface (screen)
SDL_Flip screen


sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE)
dim cl as uinteger ptr
dim colkey as uinteger
colkey = SDL_MapRGB (*screen->format, R, G, B)
'colptr = @colkey : *colptr = B
'colptr = @colkey + 1 : *colptr = G
'colptr = @colkey + 2 : *colptr = R
'colptr = @colkey + 3 : *colptr = A
cl = screen->pixels + y * screen->pitch + x * len( integer )
*cl = colkey
end sub
that's pretty weird, the only fast thing i could think of is that screen->pixelformat is messed up somehow, but that wouldn't make much sense. v1c what about debugsymbols? working already? can i step? well i'll have a look at it now...

some sdl internals: sdl on win32 does nothing more then setting up a directdraw interface iirc, so this is unlikely to crash, cause if the hardware support is not given it falls back to using the gdi, which must work otherwise you could not see those neat windows on the desktop Smile. /me is debugging
well it somthing to do with SDL_init and SLD_mapRBG.

my older code with my own RBG combiner works fine on Z!re when SDL_init was there.

but when you go SDL_init and SDL_MapRBG Z!re computer crashes. with SDL_init part of the code rem out everything works fine.

so there must be some relationship between the two which is internal with in the lib.

but this problem seem to be only effecting Z!re because it works on my comp fine and couple other people's as well
Correction: Program crash if I try to plot a pixel, and have called SDL_Init

This code crash:
defint a-z
option explicit
'$include: "sdl\sdl.bi"
'$include: "gl\gl.bi"
'$include: "gl\glu.bi
declare sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE, A as UBYTE)

dim screen as SDL_Surface ptr
dim a as string
Dim X as integer
Dim Y as integer
Dim red as integer
Dim green as integer
Dim blue as integer
Dim alpha as integer
Dim T as UBYTE
Dim counter as integer
dim xRes as integer
dim yRes as integer
dim result as integer

const NULL = 0

xRes = 1280
yRes = 1024


screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(xRes, yRes, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_FULLSCREEN)
if screen = 0 then
    end 1
end if

    SDL_LockSurface (screen)
    for counter = 0 to 1000
        x = (xRes-1) * rnd
        y = (yRes-1) * rnd
        red = 255 * rnd
        green = 255 * rnd
        blue = 255 * rnd
        Pset screen ,x,y,red,green,blue,alpha

    SDL_unlocksurface (screen)
loop until SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
Loop while SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
SDL_LockSurface (screen)

for y=500 To 700
    for x=900 To 1100
        Pset screen ,x,y,128,128,128,50

SDL_UnLockSurface (screen)

Loop until SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )


sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE, A as UBYTE)
    dim cl as uinteger ptr  
    dim colkey as uinteger
    dim Colptr as UBYTE ptr
    colptr = @colkey : *colptr = B
    colptr = @colkey + 1 : *colptr = G
    colptr = @colkey +2 : *colptr = R
    colptr = @colkey + 3 : *colptr = A
    cl = screen->pixels + y * screen->pitch + x * len( integer )
    *cl = colkey
end sub

This does not:
defint a-z
option explicit
'$include: "sdl\sdl.bi"
'$include: "gl\gl.bi"
'$include: "gl\glu.bi
declare sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE, A as UBYTE)

dim screen as SDL_Surface ptr
dim a as string
Dim X as integer
Dim Y as integer
Dim red as integer
Dim green as integer
Dim blue as integer
Dim alpha as integer
Dim T as UBYTE
Dim counter as integer
dim xRes as integer
dim yRes as integer
dim result as integer

const NULL = 0

xRes = 1280
yRes = 1024

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(xRes, yRes, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_FULLSCREEN)
if screen = 0 then
    end 1
end if

    SDL_LockSurface (screen)
    for counter = 0 to 1000
        x = (xRes-1) * rnd
        y = (yRes-1) * rnd
        red = 255 * rnd
        green = 255 * rnd
        blue = 255 * rnd
        Pset screen ,x,y,red,green,blue,alpha

    SDL_unlocksurface (screen)
loop until SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
Loop while SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )
SDL_LockSurface (screen)

for y=500 To 700
    for x=900 To 1100
        Pset screen ,x,y,128,128,128,50

SDL_UnLockSurface (screen)

Loop until SDL_GetMouseState( byval 0, byval 0 )


sub PSET (screen as SDL_Surface ptr , x as integer , y as integer, R as UBYTE , G as UBYTE, B as UBYTE, A as UBYTE)
    dim cl as uinteger ptr  
    dim colkey as uinteger
    dim Colptr as UBYTE ptr
    colptr = @colkey : *colptr = B
    colptr = @colkey + 1 : *colptr = G
    colptr = @colkey +2 : *colptr = R
    colptr = @colkey + 3 : *colptr = A
    cl = screen->pixels + y * screen->pitch + x * len( integer )
    *cl = colkey
end sub

And it could be a win98 problem, anyone able to test it?

Like i said, win98, GeForce 2 GTS, AMD Duron, new drivers.. I'm going to dl them again later.. just in case..
Downloald the lastest version: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/fbc/f...p?download

The SDL hearders were updated, there's no more BYREF arguments, to map better the C version. If you must pass a pointer of a structure, use @ or varptr( ) on it (so surface.pixelformat is passed as it should be, surface->pixelformat, no hacks).

First error i saw was, well, you (Shadow) were/are accessing the surface out bounds:

For X = 1 to 640
for Y = 1 to 480

It should be For X = 0 to 640-1 and for Y = 0 to 480-1

One more hint: always declare the function/sub arguments as BYVAL, passing a pointer like surface by reference makes the compiler do 2 dereferences, what isn't need and slows down things (a byref arg is equal an implicity pointer, a ptr passed byref means a pointer to pointer).