
Full Version: user32.bi extension
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I added GetKeyState and all the constants for keyboard keys. It's untested, as I merely ported it from some old VB code I had for it, but it should work just fine.

How it should work:
keystate = GetKeyState(put_your_key_constant_here)
If (keystate And &H80) = &H80 Then
  'this key is pressed, so do whatever
End If
Someone please let me know if this works, okay? I have no time right now to test it out.
Okay nevermind...I've tested it myself...works great. Big Grin
v1ctor, I'm going to try to complete this file. Hopefully you'll be able to include the finished version in a future version of FB. This is one huge header and includes a ton of declarations, and I'm not sure if I can translate them all, but I'll sure as hell try. Big Grin VonGodric and I were discussing a possible GUI library for FB, so completing user32.bi is going to be absolutely required for this.
Wheeee, quadruple post. Big Grin The file's almost finished, but many of the functions are currently unresearched so there may be some missing constants. However, the additions to user32.bi will for sure allow for more complex FB programs. After this is done, I'll see if I can't fill in kernel32 and then gdi32. advapi32 is gonna take some time so I've put it off for now.
Maybe it's a good idea to have a list somewhere that tells us:

On what is already been working on, and maybe the completition rate.

Because, actually I'm working on kernel32.bi right now.

Let's split our contribution...
You should organize a CVS for those and other headers so several people could work on them.
Yes! More CVSs!
GUI stuff? You need to write some widget library on top of windows api calls then. And let the IDE provide special support in handling that widget library. Which is indeed some work, but very doable as has been shown before. oh.. instead of that widget library, you could also do it the VB way, that is, use COM objects (methinks). Or ActiveX they might label it then, same thing.
You can always code GUI stuff in the C way using the windows API Tongue
Quote:You can always code GUI stuff in the C way using the windows API Tongue
A GUI library would require the use of the API anyways. Big Grin

Awesome though...glad to know I'm not the only one working on headers. Big Grin
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