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just tryin my hand at one. its in VB btw. there were some concepts that i didnt like in Vony's, and being a programmer, i decided to make my own instead of telling him what to change, lmao! anyways yeah, here is the .zip:


sofar the menus that work:
- open
- new
- run
- paths
- exit

also, running does not require your file to be saved (i hate that about ide's) so enjoy! suggest features!
How about the default window size not being so small? Big Grin
yeha thats a problem that oive already addressed Big Grin

anywho the real problem i have now is how when you click Run, it does the following:

-creates a temp bas file
-compiles the bas file
- * checks to see if there were errors
-executes the bas file

* im not sure how to output the errors into a separate textfile rather than in the dos window. does anyone know hwo to do this? this is the only place im stuck
You could just use shell redirection (fbc xyz.bas > tmp.txt) or you could be l337 and use SetStdHandle etc. (see MSDN docs...)
ive been tyrintg that and it doesnt seem to work...

Shell FbPath & " " & tmpname$ & "bas > tmp.txt", vbNormalFocus

will output this to DOS:

c:\freebasic\fbc tmpname.bas >compile.log
c:\freebasic\fbc.exe tmpname.bas >compile.log

and yet it still does not work. yet it works in cmd.exe dospromt Sad
Not tested, but you can try this:

Shell "cmd " & FbPath & " " & tmpname$ & "bas > tmp.txt", vbNormalFocus
does not work
Shouldn't you add a dot before the "bas"?
no, for the tmpfile$ var is "tmpfile."
What does "it doesn't work" mean? It doesn't run fbc? It doesn't output shit to the file? You can't locate the file?

If it happens to be the third option, try this:

Shell FbPath & " " & tmpname$ & "bas > " & App.Path & "tmp.txt", vbNormalFocus

It should create the file App.Path & "tmp.txt", look in your application's path to find it.

If tmpname$ doesn't include a path, you should add App.Path & tmpname$ as well.
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