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' Declarations
Declare Sub Split( value As String, result() As String )

' Constants
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE  = Not False

' Check the string splitter
Dim result() As String
Call Split( "this is a test", result() )
Print result(0)
Print result(1)
Print result(2)

' Splits a string into substrings
Sub Split( value As String, result() As String )
   Dim currentcharacter As String
   Dim currentstring As Byte
   Dim whitespace As Byte

   For index = 1 To Len( value )
      ' Read in a character
      currentcharacter = Mid$( value, index, 1 )
      Select Case currentcharacter
         Case Chr$(32)
            ' When the first whitespace is encountered, then it's time to resize result() and start another line
            If whitespace = FALSE Then
               currentstring = currentstring + 1
               ReDim Preserve result( currentstring ) As String
            End If
            ' Keeps it from resizing on encountering any whitespace after the first character of whitespace
            whitespace = TRUE
         Case Else
            ' Reset the whitespace indicator
            whitespace = FALSE
            ' Add the current character to the current line in result()
            result( currentstring ) = result( currentstring ) + currentcharacter
      End Select
End Sub

The problem I'm having is that the above code is not putting "this" into result(0). Is this a problem with redim?
resizing an array means it has to be declared as dynamic like

dim result() as string

and i dunno wheter you can redim a non global array within a function by only passing it's reference (should work i guess)
Actually, your code is buggy ;)

You must allocate space for result before using it:

   Dim whitespace As Byte
   redim result(0) as string

Oh yeah, as there's no runtime bound-checking, "result( currentstring ) = result( currentstring ) + currentcharacter" won't be catch by FB.. but Windows should show an expection.. that XP uses to hide.
Quote:and i dunno wheter you can redim a non global array within a function by only passing it's reference (should work i guess)

I always did that under QB. Nothing ever stopped it.

Quote:You must allocate space for result before using it

I did. Try looking at the code again. In particular, right after the constants are defined.

Quote:Oh yeah, as there's no runtime bound-checking, "result( currentstring ) = result( currentstring ) + currentcharacter" won't be catch by FB.. but Windows should show an expection.. that XP uses to hide.

I have Windows XP SP2. It runs without any exceptions. As a matter of fact, it will crash if I don't redim and Windows will ask if I want to report the problem.

Did either of you try running the code? Obviously not. I've put the results of running the compiled code below.

C:\Documents and Settings\Michael\Desktop\AutoHeader>autoheader
Whoa, everybody report me tons of bugs and when i say a single test is buggy people get upset? Nevermind..

"Dim result() As String" "()" allocates nothing, see it now?

And of course i tried it, how could i find where the bug was anyway?

' Declarations
Declare Sub Split( value As String, result() As String )

' Constants
Const FALSE = 0
Const TRUE  = Not False

' Check the string splitter
Dim result() As String
Call Split( "this is a test", result() )
Print result(0)
Print result(1)
Print result(2)

' Splits a string into substrings
Sub Split( value As String, result() As String )
   Dim currentcharacter As String
   Dim currentstring As Byte
   Dim whitespace As Byte

   REDIM result(0) as String '' <--------- HERE

   For index = 1 To Len( value )
      ' Read in a character
      currentcharacter = Mid$( value, index, 1 )
      Select Case currentcharacter
         Case Chr$(32)
            ' When the first whitespace is encountered, then it's time to resize result() and start another line
            If whitespace = FALSE Then
               currentstring = currentstring + 1
               ReDim Preserve result( currentstring ) As String
            End If
            ' Keeps it from resizing on encountering any whitespace after the first character of whitespace
            whitespace = TRUE
         Case Else
            ' Reset the whitespace indicator
            whitespace = FALSE
            ' Add the current character to the current line in result()
            result( currentstring ) = result( currentstring ) + currentcharacter
      End Select
End Sub

And the result is:

C:\prg\code\bas\FREEBA~1>fbc test.bas


Just for fun i compiled that same test (w/o the REDIM i added) with VBDOS, the result was:



Surprised? Relax dude..
Quote:Whoa, everybody report me tons of bugs and when i say a single test is buggy people get upset? Nevermind..

"Dim result() As String" "()" allocates nothing, see it now?

Surprised? Relax dude..

Sorry about yelling at you. It's just that I haven't used QB in a while and I thought my code was correct. :oops:

Quote:"Dim result() As String" "()" allocates nothing, see it now?

Oh and about that. I had put a zero in between the parenthesis at one point, just hadn't tried it within the subroutine. Sad

Thanks for finding the "problem" btw. That thing was driving me crazy. Tried everything but the way you showed me. :wink: