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My binary to decimal converter won't work. I've tried multiple ways and multiple methods and it's always flawed.

INPUT "Enter binary binary number", binary1$
length = LEN(binary1$)
t = length + 1
g = -1
t = t - 1
z = z + 1
g = g + 1
IF length = 1 THEN t = 1
b$ = MID$(binary1$, t, t)
IF b$ = "1" THEN b1 = 1: result = b1 * (2 ^ g)
decimal1 = decimal1 + result
IF z = length THEN EXIT DO
PRINT decimal1

Can anyone help? It messes up when I get to number 101. Thanks!
Lets try running through "01":

The first time through, b$ = "1", so result gets set to 1 (1 * 2^0), which gets added into decimal1, so now decimal1 is 1.

The second time through, b$ = "0", so result goes unchanged (still 1), which get added into decimal1... <- There's your problem.
I helped him on MSNM he didn't know FOR NEXT could go backwards. which really helps

[syntax="QBASIC"]DECLARE FUNCTION dec2bin$ (dec!)
DECLARE FUNCTION bin2dec! (bin$)
PRINT "Binary: "; dec2bin$(13)
PRINT "Decimal: "; bin2dec("1101")

FUNCTION bin2dec (bin$)
a = 1
FOR i = LEN(bin$) TO 1 STEP -1
IF MID$(bin$, i, 1) = "1" THEN dec = dec + a
a = a * 2
bin2dec = dec

FUNCTION dec2bin$ (dec)
bin$ = LTRIM$(STR$(dec MOD 2)) + bin$
dec = INT(dec / 2)
LOOP UNTIL dec = 0
dec2bin$ = bin$
thx guys!
I am a bit late here. Buf if you want a really fast bin2dec function, you can create a lookup table for powers of 2. Thats the only clue I can post for now. Gotta go party!! Big Grin