
Full Version: QBX faster than FB?
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Pages: 1 2
I believe a more accurate test then can be performed by compiling in GUI mode and popping up a MessageBox with the result once the test is finished. Big Grin
Here we go then:

'compile using: fbc -s gui speed.bas

'$include: "win\user32.bi"
aaa = TIMER

'test: 0.277 to -8.895 seconds
FOR bbb=1 TO 100000: ccc=bbb: NEXT
MessageBox NULL, "Loop: "+chr$(9)   + str$(ccc)         + _
           " cycles."    + chr$(13) + chr$(10)          + _
           "Duration: "  +chr$(9)   + str$(TIMER - aaa) + _
           " sec.", "Result", MB_OK+MB_ICONASTERISK

Pages: 1 2