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Is it possible to change the font in console mode (I'm assuming PEEK, POKE, and OUT do not work)? If so, how can it be done. Also, if I need a library, graphics or not, to change it, which one should I use?
WinNT, Win2k, WinXP:

Open a console.
Open the sysmenu (on the top left icon).
Choose properties.
Font is the second tab.
I'm pretty sure he meant automagically inside the code, so every user of his pogram gets the same font.
Or he could also mean that a program uses a custom font, kinda like what na_th_an did in the past with his ASCII games or the kind of font changes that Useless Sock supports.
Thats what i meant Tongue
Quote:so every user of his pogram gets the same font


Don't you just love people who want to control every little aspect of the way things appear on everyone else's PCs?

[ I have to deal with a VP on a daily basis who once made everyone convert every notice (no matter how few lines) posted to our website to a PDF document just so when I looked at it, it looked EXACTLY the same as when you look at it. ]

I mean, even highly intensive graphical apps give the user the flexibility to adjust resolution, color depth and image detail.

*sound of soap box being turned over followed by hollow sounding footsteps *

If I prefer to have my "console" settings using Lucidia at a pitch of 72, then I should have the right to use those scroll bars!!!!

* sound of loud crash as soap box falls over *
Quote:Or he could also mean that a program uses a custom font, kinda like what na_th_an did in the past with his ASCII games or the kind of font changes that Useless Sock supports.

Yes, that's what I meant. Would it be possible in FB or would I need to create some kind of bitmap font to use?
I've searched a bit on google.. and in the windows api helpfile. I can't find anything to change the font family. Closest thing to an answer I could find was this very comprehensive tutorial on windows consoles:


It covers about anything I guess.. but it does not mention you can change the font family from within the program. And if you could, I'm pretty sure it would've been mentioned there. So I think you can't do it programmaticaly. .. or you could apply a very dirty hack or two. There is a method to set the default console font in the registry. If you would create a console after making this registry change, it might come up with a console with the chosen font. other hack, send keystroke messages to the console window to pop up the user interface and do all the stuff a user would do via messages. but .. how dirty would you want to get eh?

I'm pretty sure it could be done. I'll try to research on it.
From the Platform SDK, only WinXP has functions to READ the font and font size. No version of windows can Write them. I suppose they must be changed by accessing the Registry.
Anyways, the font selection works only in windowed mode. In fullscreen mode the default bios font is used.