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Hey, I spoke about the french doc, but I think the code will be more interesting for you :wink:


Enjoy SVGA Hi-Res modes !
Maybe people expected an example drawing the julia motorbike mirrors or the bulbous donut?
Anyhow, an excelent library!
Yes, an excellent Lib! Thanks for sharing it with us all.

- Dav
I'm packaging the 1.4 version, knowing I have a stack overflow issue to solve...

The 1.4 version which is now on line includes the "motorbike mirrors" and "bulbous donut", and that works fine if you run the Shape4 sub directly from the main prog. But when I tried to just call them from a "DemoQuadric" sub, I got a stack overflow that is still to be solved.

As for the fractal patterns, the problem is to find a clean way to integrate them. I usually tweak the position and size manually from a pic to another, but it's not sufficient for a "public package".

I got acceptable results with the mouse now, and I prepare a True-Colour Mandelbrot explorer with mouse features...
So the version which is on line today is the 1.4c...

Version 1.5 will include the mouse features (next week on line), so that v2.0 should be delivered with a sort of complete GUI... but I cannot promise any date :rotfl:
Quote:Enjoy SVGA Hi-Res modes !

What kind of memory management are you using for double buffering? Because a full screen of 1024x768x32 bit is way over one segment. (about ~3 MBs)
1024x768x32 = 3 Mb... Did you clean your task-manager ?

Ctrl-Alt-Del ... then clean your RAM first ?
Jark, when do you submit this lib up to my website???
It's so well coded...

I think when version 2 is released, I will make a contest between UGL and TC-Lib....it'll be very interesting...
Some comments about the next releases...

I managed to display text with the same fonts as in the standard QB modes, just by storing the letters bitmaps in a QB array. That allows regular text display no matter what the SVGA mode is.

The mouse issue is in good progress, but I had to reprog all that f... poll mouse stuff !

Version 2.0 will be based on modules : I have to separate mouse from raytracing from GUI from VESA stuff...

You know what ? Antoni wrote to me, a few weeks ago, something like " My site don't have fancy graphics like the Dazibao's ones"... but his skills and help were absolutely necessary when I tried to plot these "fancy graphics". He guided me towards real programming, in other words...

Conclusion: QB proggers definitely ARE a communauty with an excellent, healthy kharma :wink: :rotfl: 8)
BTW, Jark, last year I coded a print routine in QB for SVGA which uses the default font style:

SUB QQB.Print (x, y, text$, col, Bcol)
    t$ = HEX$(col): T2$ = HEX$(Bcol)
    IF LEN(t$) > 1 OR LEN(T2$) > 1 THEN ERROR (5)
    col% = VAL("&H" + T2$ + t$)
    y = y + (yoffset \ 8)
    x = x + (xoffset \ 8)
    y = y - 1: x = x - 1
    y$ = HEX$(y): x$ = HEX$(x)
    IF LEN(y$) > 2 OR LEN(x$) > 2 THEN ERROR (5)
    IF LEN(y$) < 2 THEN y$ = "0" + y$
    IF LEN(x$) < 2 THEN x$ = "0" + x$
    regs.ax = &H200
    CurLoc% = VAL("&H" + y$ + x$)
    regs.dx = CurLoc%
    CALL interruptX(&H10, regs, regs)
    x = x + 1: y = y + 1
    regs.ax = &H300
    CALL interruptX(&H10, regs, regs)
    regs.ax = &H1301
    regs.bx = col%
    regs.cx = LEN(text$)
    regs.Es = VARSEG(text$)
    regs.BP = SADD(text$)
    CALL interruptX(&H10, regs, regs)

Try it
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