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I here all this bout OpenGL, where do you get it??, I been to their site but it had no info at all,. on buying or downloading it...
The OpenGL library and headers come with FreeBASIC, so you don't need to download anything more. The OpenGL system files (the DLL and stuff) were all installed with your graphics drivers. All you need to be able to do is write the code now. Smile

I wish I knew enough OpenGL to write a tutorial on it... maybe I should learn, actually. It would be time well spent... hmm...

Anyway, Dr_Davenstein seems a really proficient OpenGL coder - maybe he will be able to help you out... I think Rel does a lot of OpenGL too. Smile

I'm sure you know what it is already though: it's a 3D library developed by Silicon Graphics Inc over a decade ago... It wasn't originally inteded for games, but it seems that's its most heavy use at the moment. John Carmack (lead coder, id Software) uses OpenGL for -all- of his games (he has some sort of vendetta against using Direct3D). OpenGL is amazingly powerful and from what I remember when I tried to learn some last, it's quite easy to use. Smile You don't need to know any 3D maths to draw the 3D scenes, but you will need to know a lot of stuff if you're writing a game with it (3D collision detection, etc.).

What I'm curious about is how people write shaders? At what point is a shader used in the rendering process, how is it written (i.e. what does it do) and how is it used? From what little reading I have done, I know that a pixel shader is used to modify each pixel in the scene, so lighting and other effects can be done... does the shader do the processing before or after the scene has been drawn by OpenGL?

Sorry about hijacking your post... Smile It is relevant though, I suppose.

Hmm, I got the Compiler file first, then I got a broken IDE, then I got VonGodric's IDE, hmm I must have it here somewhere then... I'll look thanks,

As for my post, no worries, your avatar is nice to look at, heh heh,. Yours along with Von's(Puss'n'Boots), Rel's(JapanAnimie), Mitth's(RedEye) and there loads others I can't place to names yet,.. Smile ,.

I should put up some of my pixal shifting for a avatar,. it looks loads betta than my pixal art itself, heh heh,.... :wink:
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Thanks Shift!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Heh Heh, I found it after all,. and I played around with some demos that came with FB,.. I like it,.. expect some cool 3D stuff from me when I get the hang of it, he he, :wink: