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If you have tried any of my patterns programs I posted, and those involving playing MOD/MID files you may have noticed the INKEY$ functions sometimes only allows you to abort the program during the first few seconds or so.

So there must be a bug in FB, because the patterns all abort with QB at anytime. Has anyone found a solution to the problem?

Perhaps the problem is in the way you exit the GOSUB when the key is pressed.
IF INKEY$ <> "" THEN GOTO done
You must ALWAYS exit a GOSUB with RETURN. Otherwise you are corrupting the stack. Anything can malfunction if you do that...

Then, if you don't save the pressing of the key in a flag, the user will have to press the key a second time to exit the main loop and another one to end the SLEEP at the end of the program.

I hope it helps.
Thanks for your advice Antoni, but no luck. As you can see I have now made sure to close the remaining For Next and While Wend loops when aborting. But if you compile this program with FB and run it, you have only about 20 seconds to press the space bar or it is back to the dreaded Al+Ctrl+del to terminate.

There is no such probem if compiled with QuickBasic


REM KALIEDSCOPE originaly Written for the UK BBC Electron
    DIM X(3, 3), Y(3, 3), XC%(7), YC%(7)
    SCREEN 12: LOCATE 10, 20
    PRINT "Press Spacebar anytime to Quit" : sleep 2000
    FOR I% = 1 TO 7
         READ XC%(I%), YC%(I%)
    SCALE1 = 250: SCALE2 = 400: WINDOW
    FIN = 0: C = 1: C% = 0
    WHILE FIN = 0: CLS
     S$ = "A"
         FOR P = 1 TO 2: CLS
                       IF P = 2 THEN S$ = "B"
                       C = C + 1: IF C = 4 THEN C = 1
                       FOR L% = 1 TO 6
                             GOSUB 300: REM CALCS
                             PC% = INT(RND * 15) + 1: COLOR PC%
                             IF S$ = "A" THEN K% = 1: GOTO 140
                             FOR K% = 1 TO 7
140                                  WINDOW (0 - XC%(K%), 0 - YC%(K%))-(1279 - XC%(K%), 1023 - YC%(K%))
                                        GOSUB 410: REM TRIANGLES
                                        IF S$ = "A" THEN GOTO 180
                            NEXT K%
180                 NEXT L%
      REM Attempts to avoid full screen color flood
                       ST = -600: EN = 600: IF S$ = "B" THEN ST = -50: EN = 1150
                       CX% = 0: SX% = 0
                       FOR TX% = ST TO EN STEP 20
                                  SX% = SX% + POINT(TX%, 0)
                                  CX% = CX% + 1
                       NEXT TX%: TX% = TX% - 20
                       IF SX% MOD CX% = 0 THEN GOTO 190
      REM Check for Abort
           locate 1,4: print int(TIMER-start)
                       sleep 2000 : IF INKEY$ = " " then P = 9 : FIN = 1
190          NEXT P
    WEND : end

    FOR J% = 1 TO 3
              R = SCALE * RND: TH = 1.047 * (RND + .5)
              X(1, J%) = R * COS(TH): Y(1, J%) = R * SIN(TH)
              XH = X(1, J%) / 2: XV = X(1, J%) * .866
              YH = Y(1, J%) * .866: YV = Y(1, J%) / 2
              X(2, J%) = YH + XH: Y(2, J%) = -YV + XV
              X(3, J%) = YH - XH: Y(3, J%) = -YV - XV
    NEXT J%

    FOR I% = 1 TO 3
                PSET (X(I%, 1), Y(I%, 1))
                LINE -(X(I%, 2), Y(I%, 2))
                LINE -(X(I%, 3), Y(I%, 3)): LINE -(X(I%, 1), Y(I%, 1))
                PX% = (X(I%, 1) + X(I%, 2) + X(I%, 3)) / 3
                PY% = (Y(I%, 1) + Y(I%, 2) + Y(I%, 3)) / 3
                PAINT (PX%, PY%)
                PSET (-X(I%, 1), Y(I%, 1))
                LINE -(-X(I%, 2), Y(I%, 2))
                LINE -(-X(I%, 3), Y(I%, 3)): LINE -(-X(I%, 1), Y(I%, 1))
                PX = (-X(I%, 1) + -X(I%, 2) + -X(I%, 3)) / 3
                PY = (Y(I%, 1) + Y(I%, 2) + Y(I%, 3)) / 3: PAINT (PX, PY)
    NEXT I%

500   DATA 640,514,370,994,910,994,1180,514,910,34,370,34,100,514
I think you are right, it does'nt react to INKEY$

The program seems to not read keys with INKEY$.
I changed your key test to IF LEN(INKEY$) THEN , it should react to ANY key, and it reacts only to a mouse click to the close button (that translates to the keys chr$(255)+"X") and gives an error when closing

However if I change the condition to IF MULTIKEY(1) THEN (reacting to the escape key) the program works correctly.

Thanks again Antoni,

You have cracked the problem, but I can find no mention of MULTIKEY in either the QB, QuickBasic or the FB keywords.txt. I have had to put a note to hold the Esc key down until accepted.

One final bug in the KALIEDSCOPE Mod/Mid player is the list of files fails to show after a few re-starts.

Multikey is listed in lillo gfx txt file should be with the lastest package of FB