
Full Version: crappy bmp load
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screen 18

type chopinteger field = 1
    left as ushort
    right as ushort

end type

type BMPFileInfo field = 1
     BIid as short
     BIfilesize as long
     BIreserved as short
     BIreserved2 as short
     BIoffset as long

end type

type BMPHeaderInfo field = 1
     BIheadersize as long
     BIwidth as integer
     BIheight as integer
     BIplanes as short
     BIbpp as short
     BIcompressionfactor as long
     BIimagesize as long
     BIpelwidth as long
     BIpelheight as long
     BIcolorused as long
     BIimportantcolors as long

end type

type RGBQuad field = 1
     blue as ushort
     green as ushort
     red as ushort
end type

dim fileheader as BMPFileInfo
dim infoheader as BMPHeaderInfo
dim colors(255) as RGBQuad

dim pixelint as chopinteger
dim rgbbloc as chopinteger

dim grabpixels as ushort
dim rgbhold as uinteger

xdifferential = 0
ydifferential = 0

open command$ for binary as #1
    get #1,, fileheader
    get #1,, infoheader    
    dim picarray(4 + (infoheader.BIwidth * infoheader.BIheight)) as ushort

    for grabcolors = 0 to 255
        get #1,, rgbbloc.left
        get #1,, rgbbloc.right
        colors(grabcolors).red  = (rgbbloc.left and 255) \ 4
        colors(grabcolors).green  = (rgbbloc.left shr 8) \ 4
        colors(grabcolors).blue = (rgbbloc.right and 255) \ 4
        palette grabcolors, rgb(colors(grabcolors).red, colors(grabcolors).green, colors(grabcolors).blue)

    for y = (infoheader.BIheight) to 1 step -1
        for x = 1 to ((infoheader.BIwidth) \ 2)
            get #1,, grabpixels
            pixelint.left = grabpixels and 255
            pixelint.right = grabpixels shr 8

            pset((x * 2) - 1 + xdifferential,(y - 1) + ydifferential), pixelint.left
            pset((x * 2) + xdifferential,(y - 1) + ydifferential), pixelint.right


close #1

get (0,0)-(infoheader.BIwidth, infoheader.BIheight), picarray



put (0,0), picarray

    open "hudsprite.spr" for binary as #1
        put #1,, picarray()
        for colorstash = 0 to 255
            rgbhold = rgb(colors(colorstash).red, colors(colorstash).green, colors(colorstash).blue)
            put #1,, rgbhold


crappy lil bmp load i made..

one of the biggest things i was having problems with is that when i did the foor loops from

0 to infoheader .BIwidth - 1

as opposed to

1 to infoheader .BIwidth

a always got incorrect output... the bmp leaned

anyone know why? :o
BMPS scanlines are DWORD aligned.

So try this:

a= Wid
a = a and 3
wid = wid + a

Sorry bad keyboard. :*(