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I am sure we have all posted some interesting articles, just to recieve no feedback at all, so I came up with this idea.

If you want to participate, post with your name you will comment with, and your blog location. Then, pick a blog from the list below. Go to that site, read up, and comment on an entry. When you recieve a comment from someone on the list below, you have to go and comment on their blog, and on someone else's blog, preferably someone who you haven't visited before.

If you add yourself to the list, you must blog on someone's blog.


If you comment on someone's blog, they must comment on your's and someone else's, and you must comment on their's and someone else's.

The idea is, that as you recieve comments and feedback, you give back just as much, and new people get added to the loop. As well as that, you can learn a little about the people you talk to on a regular basis.

I will update this list so you can easily find new people to collaborate with.

Blog Title: avinash.vora
Location: http://avinash.apeshell.net

Blog Title: Dead Blog Reborn
Location: http://deadjournal.com/users/zshzn/

Blog title: VE3VYZ's Epic Trek Through Daily Events
Location: http://VE3VYZ.blogspot.com/

Blog title: N/A
Location: http://www.thecomdriver.blogspot.com/

Blog title: Krash's Utter Waste Of Space
Location: http://utterwasteofspace.blogspot.com/


For people who think this is a stupid idea, just fuck off, I honestly don't care. I will put serious discussions and humourous stuff into my blog, all hopefully an interesting read for someone else. If you think a blog is dumb, or whatever, go somewhere else, and don't litter this thread.
I for one think that's a cool idea. But I'm debating whether to join, since my main blog is mostly my personal school life, and I don't put anything interesting or computer-related on there. I thus separate social and computer lives. But hey, I'll be a sport and join, and put some less-boring crap at my blog

Blog Title: Dead Blog Reborn
Location: http://deadjournal.com/users/zshzn/
What zshzn said applies to me as well. I think that's a very cool idea, and I'll add my blog, but all I do there is blabber on about stupid lack of radio technology.

Well, here:
Blog title: VE3VYZ's Epic Trek Through Daily Events
URL: http://VE3VYZ.blogspot.com/
its like some sort of evil blog chain letter

hehe ill do it Tongue

Krash's Utter Waste of Space
OK, I'm on board, I'll post a few comments, if I can think of any. I'll comment using the name ComDriver.

My blog-

Don't forget to start commenting immediately. You should have already made one by joining.
This appears to be working. Unfortunately mine seems to be the most specialized. I have to start making this blog live up to it's name: "VE3VYZ's Epic Trek Through DAILY Events." Wink
Don't worry, not all my daily events are simply sitting down griping about radios and dreaming up antenna-mounting schemes. Just half my daily events are like that. Smile
My daily events revolve around world Domination and its place in my life.

Its hard to become overlord of all creation when noone believes your serious....

One day when your having your cup of tea at noon... i will triumph!

Also the random nonsense that happen's tend to grab my attention for weeks... like a pika bird staring at oxygen molocules. I have attention obsession disorder... i dont lose my attenion i just cant break whatever im obsessing about at the moment until it comes to one of these "event horizon's"

It is no longer hilarous (rather a long process)
It starts to smell a bit off (people,food)
It stops being shiny (gum wrappers)
It has completed its cycle (beat a game, laundry done drying ETC)
It is destroyed (Earth.)
How about we bring this beast up and running again, eh?

Everything seems to have died...is it because noone has made new posts? Well, I've done it...http://avinash.apeshell.net
I am sorry, oh master, for my lack of persistence. I have commented on those blogs now, once again.
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