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AFAIK everybody who tests this game is more or less alpha/beta/etc.
testers because it's common to post some feedback after trying it out...

Momoguru some more feedback hehe :wink:

Are you using a static FOR/NEXT for the delays?
FOR delay=0 TO 2000: NEXT
Because I teated it on my 286 (or if it's a 386 I don't know)
and the story text was really slow (like 1 sec/char).
yikes, i left one for/next delay in the font routine, ill switch it to a timer delay like the others. as for the flicker, i can fix that without a lib, i prefer pure qb, but im not against using em.

also, ther are a few buttons in the editor that arent hooked up yet, the edit and del buttons for the server. thats pretty much it. (aside from some new features ill add in as i complete the plot.

okay, some stuff u should know.
once you select a line to edit, u see that option graphic pop up on the bottom, u will notice a + icon and a [] icon, the + is COPY ALL and the [] is paste all, so you can copy a whole page of a server at a time. the < and > arrows will scroll thru the available code options once you select a line to edit. once scroll to the script line u need, just click the highlighted edit box to begin editing. if the line you are editing has script in the beginning ie (CLEAR), whatevet, whatever... you can just click the highlighted edit box to edit that line... or you can click the EDIT button in the bottom line options graphic. make sure you click the save button to save changes to an edited page. other than that, it will save everything else you do automatically (creating servers, and pages)

login: you dont need to type in a user/pass to load a file. the default / newgame file is USERINFO.DAT. you can login by just clicking the LOADGAME BUTTON or NEW.

for testing purposes, ive added a slew of programs and hardware upgrades into a server called... jace's computer shop. the login for that sever is UN: lucky PW: charm. by logging in here, you can upgrade and purchase every type of software available in the game... HOWEVER, all software is version 1, so if you put a security level 4 fiewall on a server, make sure u adjust the level of the firewall bypass to 4 or higher, or you will never be able to test thru the security block.

lemme know if you have anymore ideas or questions.
ill update the FAQ some more Smile
I ran into a small bug, though I haven't tested it again to make sure it wasn't just a fluke. Basically, after completing my first mission, instead of Mr. Johnson giving me 500 credits he took them away and left me in the negatives. = P
heh, u didnt get caught did you? when u get BUSTED, notice the BUST page in the plot files deducts 1000 credits, which would leave u -500 after completing the mission.

also, if the PC sounds bug you, click the VOL button on the modem screen, it will turn the sound ON and OFF.
No I have learned a little more:
Set up a secure level 1 page wich links to another page...
*me proud*

New observations:
  • If I enter a login name and password and then click new
    or savegame an error occurs.

    Every time an error occurs It's written in the standard screen 13
    BIOS font, it would look much better if you make a gui message
    instead or *at least* clear the screen

    In mission no2 where I have to get a firewall and proxy cracker
    I tested two different software companys but I couldnt download any
    of them though I have enough money:
    It just has this do you want to download? window and when I
    press yes Nothing happens And I must press no...
    This might not be a bug but me having not enough space
    on the "computer"

Are you planning to create some sort of help file
wich tells you which number in the statemen that does what...
like (line):## or what it is ...Is the ## some sort of line position?
yeah marv... a few things

just click the LOADGAME without any UN or PASS, or click new. currently it defaults to this userfile USERINFO.DAT (just incase u need to hack the SG file to add credits or test stuff)

i will be putting in a small error handler, but other than the login screen, u shouldnt get any errors unless u creat new programs and dont make graphics for them.

mission 2... you dont have enough space on your harddrive to download the file. maybe head over to ISLAND SYSTEMS HARDWARE and pick up a new motherboard Smile

be sure to check the FAQ post... ive been adding to it all day and will continue to construct it here until finished. (scroll up)

**** BETA FIXES TO DO ***************************

motherboard graphics for all boards available.
account screen graphic

**** BETA FIXES COMPLETE ***************************

login fixed.
for/next delay fixed to timer.
error handler for bad logins and general game errors.
can you please post the pallette so we know wich color's what,
and what filetype is the images you can load up on the modules?
the palatte is the standard qb pal for screen 13. ill make a color chart sometime today and post it.

the images are just plain old BSAVE, if you need a simple sprite editor, i can give you the one i made.
hey guys, ive decided to remake this game (not in QB) and make it multiplayer... for those of u who enjoyed codelink v1... head over here and check out v2 in the works.

Sounds like fun. More so than sitting around here cataloging spambots, anyway.
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