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As a long time VB user I like VB's named constants. Here is a list of color constants I found today on a Microsoft researcher's website.

I put this in a file called Colors.bi

Just a thought, maybe it might be useful to someone.

'# Found At http://stevehollasch.com/cgindex/color/colors.txt

'# Whites

const fbAntiqueWhite           =   16444375   'RGB (250, 235, 215)
const fbAzure                  =   15794175   'RGB (240, 255, 255)
const fbBisque                 =   16770244   'RGB (255, 228, 196)
const fbBlanchedAlmond         =   16772045   'RGB (255, 235, 205)
const fbCornsilk               =   16775388   'RGB (255, 248, 220)
const fbEggshell               =   16574153   'RGB (252, 230, 201)
const fbFloralWhite            =   16775920   'RGB (255, 250, 240)
const fbGainsboro              =   14474460   'RGB (220, 220, 220)
const fbGhostWhite             =   16316671   'RGB (248, 248, 255)
const fbHoneydew               =   15794160   'RGB (240, 255, 240)
const fbIvory                  =   16777200   'RGB (255, 255, 240)
const fbLavender               =   15132410   'RGB (230, 230, 250)
const fbLavenderBlush          =   16773365   'RGB (255, 240, 245)
const fbLemonChiffon           =   16775885   'RGB (255, 250, 205)
const fbLinen                  =   16445670   'RGB (250, 240, 230)
const fbMintCream              =   16121850   'RGB (245, 255, 250)
const fbMistyRose              =   16770273   'RGB (255, 228, 225)
const fbMoccasin               =   16770229   'RGB (255, 228, 181)
const fbNavajoWhite            =   16768685   'RGB (255, 222, 173)
const fbOldLace                =   16643558   'RGB (253, 245, 230)
const fbPapayaWhip             =   16773077   'RGB (255, 239, 213)
const fbPeachPuff              =   16767673   'RGB (255, 218, 185)
const fbSeashell               =   16774638   'RGB (255, 245, 238)
const fbSnow                   =   16775930   'RGB (255, 250, 250)
const fbThistle                =   14204888   'RGB (216, 191, 216)
const fbTitaniumWhite          =   16580592   'RGB (252, 255, 240)
const fbWheat                  =   16113331   'RGB (245, 222, 179)
const fbWhite                  =   16777215   'RGB (255, 255, 255)
const fbWhiteSmoke             =   16119285   'RGB (245, 245, 245)
const fbZincWhite              =   16644351   'RGB (253, 248, 255)

'# Greys

const fbColdGrey               =    8424071   'RGB (128, 138, 135)
const fbDimGrey                =    6908265   'RGB (105, 105, 105)
const fbGrey                   =   12632256   'RGB (192, 192, 192)
const fbLightGrey              =   13882323   'RGB (211, 211, 211)
const fbSlateGrey              =    7372944   'RGB (112, 128, 144)
const fbSlateGreyDark          =    3100495   'RGB ( 47,  79,  79)
const fbSlateGreyLight         =    7833753   'RGB (119, 136, 153)
const fbWarmGrey               =    8421481   'RGB (128, 128, 105)

'# Blacks

const fbBlack                  =          0   'RGB (  0,   0,   0)
const fbIvoryBlack             =    2696225   'RGB ( 41,  36,  33)
const fbLampBlack              =    3032891   'RGB ( 46,  71,  59)

'# Reds

const fbAlizarinCrimson        =   14886454   'RGB (227,  38,  54)
const fbBrick                  =   10249759   'RGB (156, 102,  31)
const fbCadmiumRedDeep         =   14882573   'RGB (227,  23,  13)
const fbCoral                  =   16744272   'RGB (255, 127,  80)
const fbCoralLight             =   15761536   'RGB (240, 128, 128)
const fbDeepPink               =   16716947   'RGB (255,  20, 147)
const fbEnglishRed             =   13909274   'RGB (212,  61,  26)
const fbFirebrick              =   11674146   'RGB (178,  34,  34)
const fbGeraniumLake           =   14881328   'RGB (227,  18,  48)
const fbHotPink                =   16738740   'RGB (255, 105, 180)
const fbIndianRed              =   11540255   'RGB (176,  23,  31)
const fbLightSalmon            =   16752762   'RGB (255, 160, 122)
const fbMadderLakeDeep         =   14888496   'RGB (227,  46,  48)
const fbMaroon                 =   11546720   'RGB (176,  48,  96)
const fbPink                   =   16761035   'RGB (255, 192, 203)
const fbPinkLight              =   16758465   'RGB (255, 182, 193)
const fbRaspberry              =    8857175   'RGB (135,  38,  87)
const fbRed                    =   16711680   'RGB (255,   0,   0)
const fbRoseMadder             =   14890552   'RGB (227,  54,  56)
const fbSalmon                 =   16416882   'RGB (250, 128, 114)
const fbTomato                 =   16737095   'RGB (255,  99,  71)
const fbVenetianRed            =   13900319   'RGB (212,  26,  31)

'# Browns

const fbBeige                  =   10720384   'RGB (163, 148, 128)
const fbBrown                  =    8399402   'RGB (128,  42,  42)
const fbBrownMadder            =   14362921   'RGB (219,  41,  41)
const fbBrownOchre             =    8864287   'RGB (135,  66,  31)
const fbBurlywood              =   14596231   'RGB (222, 184, 135)
const fbBurntSienna            =    9057807   'RGB (138,  54,  15)
const fbBurntUmber             =    9057060   'RGB (138,  51,  36)
const fbChocolate              =   13789470   'RGB (210, 105,  30)
const fbDeepOchre              =    7552282   'RGB (115,  61,  26)
const fbFlesh                  =   16743744   'RGB (255, 125,  64)
const fbFleshOchre             =   16733985   'RGB (255,  87,  33)
const fbGoldOchre              =   13072422   'RGB (199, 120,  38)
const fbGreenishUmber          =   16727309   'RGB (255,  61,  13)
const fbKhaki                  =   15787660   'RGB (240, 230, 140)
const fbKhakiDark              =   12433259   'RGB (189, 183, 107)
const fbLightBeige             =   16119260   'RGB (245, 245, 220)
const fbPeru                   =   13468991   'RGB (205, 133,  63)
const fbRosyBrown              =   12357519   'RGB (188, 143, 143)
const fbRawSienna              =   13066516   'RGB (199,  97,  20)
const fbRawUmber               =    7555602   'RGB (115,  74,  18)
const fbSepia                  =    6170130   'RGB ( 94,  38,  18)
const fbSienna                 =   10506797   'RGB (160,  82,  45)
const fbSaddleBrown            =    9127187   'RGB (139,  69,  19)
const fbSandyBrown             =   16032864   'RGB (244, 164,  96)
const fbTan                    =   13808780   'RGB (210, 180, 140)
const fbVanDykeBrown           =    6170117   'RGB ( 94,  38,   5)

'# Oranges

const fbCadmiumOrange          =   16736515   'RGB (255,  97,   3)
const fbCadmiumRedLight        =   16712461   'RGB (255,   3,  13)
const fbCarrot                 =   15569185   'RGB (237, 145,  33)
const fbDarkOrange             =   16747520   'RGB (255, 140,   0)
const fbMarsOrange             =    9848084   'RGB (150,  69,  20)
const fbMarsYellow             =   14905370   'RGB (227, 112,  26)
const fbOrange                 =   16744448   'RGB (255, 128,   0)
const fbOrangeRed              =   16729344   'RGB (255,  69,   0)
const fbYellowOchre            =   14909975   'RGB (227, 130,  23)

'# Yellows

const fbAureolineYellow        =   16754724   'RGB (255, 168,  36)
const fbBanana                 =   14929751   'RGB (227, 207,  87)
const fbCadmiumLemon           =   16769795   'RGB (255, 227,   3)
const fbCadmiumYellow          =   16750866   'RGB (255, 153,  18)
const fbCadmiumYellowLight     =   16756751   'RGB (255, 176,  15)
const fbGold                   =   16766720   'RGB (255, 215,   0)
const fbGoldenrod              =   14329120   'RGB (218, 165,  32)
const fbGoldenrodDark          =   12092939   'RGB (184, 134,  11)
const fbGoldenrodLight         =   16448210   'RGB (250, 250, 210)
const fbGoldenrodPale          =   15657130   'RGB (238, 232, 170)
const fbLightGoldenrod         =   15654274   'RGB (238, 221, 130)
const fbMelon                  =   14919785   'RGB (227, 168, 105)
const fbNaplesYellowDeep       =   16754706   'RGB (255, 168,  18)
const fbYellow                 =   16776960   'RGB (255, 255,   0)
const fbYellowLight            =   16777184   'RGB (255, 255, 224)

'# Greens

const fbChartreuse             =    8388352   'RGB (127, 255,   0)
const fbChromeOxideGreen       =    6717460   'RGB (102, 128,  20)
const fbCinnabarGreen          =    6402857   'RGB ( 97, 179,  41)
const fbCobaltGreen            =    4034880   'RGB ( 61, 145,  64)
const fbEmeraldGreen           =      51543   'RGB (  0, 201,  87)
const fbForestGreen            =    2263842   'RGB ( 34, 139,  34)
const fbGreen                  =      65280   'RGB (  0, 255,   0)
const fbGreenDark              =      25600   'RGB (  0, 100,   0)
const fbGreenPale              =   10025880   'RGB (152, 251, 152)
const fbGreenYellow            =   11403055   'RGB (173, 255,  47)
const fbLawnGreen              =    8190976   'RGB (124, 252,   0)
const fbLimeGreen              =    3329330   'RGB ( 50, 205,  50)
const fbMint                   =   12451017   'RGB (189, 252, 201)
const fbOlive                  =    3890731   'RGB ( 59,  94,  43)
const fbOliveDrab              =    7048739   'RGB (107, 142,  35)
const fbOliveGreenDark         =    5597999   'RGB ( 85, 107,  47)
const fbPermanentGreen         =     706859   'RGB ( 10, 201,  43)
const fbSapGreen               =    3178516   'RGB ( 48, 128,  20)
const fbSeaGreen               =    3050327   'RGB ( 46, 139,  87)
const fbSeaGreenDark           =    9419919   'RGB (143, 188, 143)
const fbSeaGreenMedium         =    3978097   'RGB ( 60, 179, 113)
const fbSeaGreenLight          =    2142890   'RGB ( 32, 178, 170)
const fbSpringGreen            =      65407   'RGB (  0, 255, 127)
const fbSpringGreenMedium      =      64154   'RGB (  0, 250, 154)
const fbTerreVerte             =    3694095   'RGB ( 56,  94,  15)
const fbViridianLight          =    7274352   'RGB (110, 255, 112)
const fbYellowGreen            =   10145074   'RGB (154, 205,  50)

'# Cyans

const fbAquamarine             =    8388564   'RGB (127, 255, 212)
const fbAquamarineMedium       =    6737322   'RGB (102, 205, 170)
const fbCyan                   =      65535   'RGB (  0, 255, 255)
const fbCyanWhite              =   14745599   'RGB (224, 255, 255)
const fbTurquoise              =    4251856   'RGB ( 64, 224, 208)
const fbTurquoiseDark          =      52945   'RGB (  0, 206, 209)
const fbTurquoiseMedium        =    4772300   'RGB ( 72, 209, 204)
const fbTurquoisePale          =   11529966   'RGB (175, 238, 238)

'# Blues

const fbAliceBlue              =   15792383   'RGB (240, 248, 255)
const fbBlue                   =        255   'RGB (  0,   0, 255)
const fbBlueLight              =   11393254   'RGB (173, 216, 230)
const fbBlueMedium             =        205   'RGB (  0,   0, 205)
const fbCadet                  =    6266528   'RGB ( 95, 158, 160)
const fbCobalt                 =    4020651   'RGB ( 61,  89, 171)
const fbCornflower             =    6591981   'RGB (100, 149, 237)
const fbCerulean               =     374988   'RGB (  5, 184, 204)
const fbDodgerBlue             =    2003199   'RGB ( 30, 144, 255)
const fbIndigo                 =    3016788   'RGB ( 46,   8,  84)
const fbManganeseBlue          =     239774   'RGB (  3, 168, 158)
const fbMidnightBlue           =    1644912   'RGB ( 25,  25, 112)
const fbNavy                   =        128   'RGB (  0,   0, 128)
const fbPeacock                =    3383753   'RGB ( 51, 161, 201)
const fbPowderBlue             =   11591910   'RGB (176, 224, 230)
const fbRoyalBlue              =    4286945   'RGB ( 65, 105, 225)
const fbSlateBlue              =    6970061   'RGB (106,  90, 205)
const fbSlateBlueDark          =    4734347   'RGB ( 72,  61, 139)
const fbSlateBlueLight         =    8679679   'RGB (132, 112, 255)
const fbSlateBlueMedium        =    8087790   'RGB (123, 104, 238)
const fbSkyBlue                =    8900331   'RGB (135, 206, 235)
const fbSkyBlueDeep            =      49151   'RGB (  0, 191, 255)
const fbSkyBlueLight           =    8900346   'RGB (135, 206, 250)
const fbSteelBlue              =    4620980   'RGB ( 70, 130, 180)
const fbSteelBlueLight         =   11584734   'RGB (176, 196, 222)
const fbTurquoiseBlue          =      51084   'RGB (  0, 199, 140)
const fbUltramarine            =    1182351   'RGB ( 18,  10, 143)

'# Magentas

const fbBlueViolet             =    9055202   'RGB (138,  43, 226)
const fbCobaltVioletDeep       =    9511326   'RGB (145,  33, 158)
const fbMagenta                =   16711935   'RGB (255,   0, 255)
const fbOrchid                 =   14315734   'RGB (218, 112, 214)
const fbOrchidDark             =   10040012   'RGB (153,  50, 204)
const fbOrchidMedium           =   12211667   'RGB (186,  85, 211)
const fbPermanentRedViolet     =   14362181   'RGB (219,  38,  69)
const fbPlum                   =   14524637   'RGB (221, 160, 221)
const fbPurple                 =   10494192   'RGB (160,  32, 240)
const fbPurpleMedium           =    9662683   'RGB (147, 112, 219)
const fbUltramarineViolet      =    6038638   'RGB ( 92,  36, 110)
const fbViolet                 =    9395865   'RGB (143,  94, 153)
const fbVioletDark             =    9699539   'RGB (148,   0, 211)
const fbVioletRed              =   13639824   'RGB (208,  32, 144)
const fbVioletRedMedium        =   13047173   'RGB (199,  21, 133)
const fbVioletRedPale          =   14381203   'RGB (219, 112, 147)

'Edited: Cleaned up the format a bit
Very useful indeed. Thanks!