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hey, kool entry's DefHo, if you need a place to stash some files, i got an uploads section on my webpage.. just upload the files and you can link em anywhere... just remember, whatever you upload is shared with all, so if its soemthing private.... dont put it on..here's the link


btw, official compo end date is april 5 :wink: and official prize is, well, nothing but pride..lol..
Yo! Those were EXCELLENT! Big Grin Nice work!
wow :o all very beautiful...stunning!!! absolutly brilliant :bounce:
:o AH! I'm being sucked thru my screen!!!

Those were alsome...... :wink:

At least I had the start of point, the black hole, heh....
*Goes back to drawing board(FB)* :lol:
Smile I have yet another:

PRINT "(F)ull screen /(W)indow" 'Standard PRINT
DO 'Start wait LOOP
   press$ = INKEY$ 'Promt INKEY$
LOOP UNTIL press$ <> "" 'LOOP until keypress
'Check for F, if ture set FullScreen
IF UCASE$(press$) = "F" THEN SCREEN 19, 32, 2, 1
'Check for W, if true set Window
IF UCASE$(press$) = "W" THEN SCREEN 19, 32, 2, 0
'Check for other presses, if true, then END
IF UCASE$(press$) <> "F" AND UCASE$(press$) <> "W" THEN END
x = 20 'Set X cord
y = 20 'Set Y cord
z = 0 'Set Z cord
ang = 0 ' Set Angle
LENS = 256 'Set camera
T! = TIMER 'Set Start time..
   press$ = INKEY$ ' Promt INKEY$
   rang! = ang * 3.41/ 180 'Degrees to Radians
   cosz! = COS(rang!) 'Set COS
   sinz! = SIN(rang!) 'Set SIN
   z = z + 1 'Add Z cord
   Dist = LENS - z 'Set Distant
   IF z > 256 THEN z = 0 'Reduce Z cord on reaching camera
   Tx! = x 'Store X
   Ty! = y 'Store Y
   sx! = (Tx! * cosz!) - (Ty! * sinz!) 'Rotate X on Z
   sy! = (Ty! * cosz!) + (Tx! * sinz!) 'Rotate Y on Z
   IF Dist > 0 THEN 'Check Distance
      xp = 400 + (LENS * sx! / Dist) 'New X
      yp = 300 - (LENS * sy! / Dist) 'New Y
   ELSE 'Prevent divide by 0
END IF 'End if, like it says ;D
ang = ang + av 'Rotate angle
IF ang = 0 THEN av = 1 'Rotate foward
IF ang = 900 THEN av = -1 'Rotate backward
   PSET (xp, yp), RGB(0, 0, z) 'Set Blue Pixel
   PSET (xp + 1, yp + 1), RGB(0, z, 0) 'Set Green Pixel
   F = F + 1 'Frame Counter
LOOP UNTIL press$ <> "" 'END on keypress.....
PRINT "Average FPS"; F / (TIMER - T!) 'Calculate FPS
SLEEP 'Wait for keypress

There is lots of REMs and White spacing to make it easier to read, that takes a few lines... Enjoy! Big Grin

It works both Fullscreen and Window,.. If you can, use Fullscreen,. seems to go better, but thats probaly just me(slow comp).. :wink:
TBBQ Wrote:Next time please put a link :roll:
Yeah, sorry about that. I don't have access to a web page at the moment so I wouldn't have anything to link to.

answer to your problem is: http://qh2.qbtk.com
Hey Rattra...Can you .exeify it please....I want to see it! :bounce:
Smile Heh, I'm thinking of making a master EXE of all my demo thus far.. :wink: ..That be cool, heh...

But as you should have been more clear, my first (Black hole(begining of wormhole) or my second, (the wormhole itself).. :wink:
Both of course Big Grin
Here's mine. 7 Lines.

'7 line tunnel demo
'FreeBASIC pwnz!
'Relsoft 2005

1 if i = 0 then screen 14, 32 else if i = 1 then  dim Tangle( 320, 240) else if i = 2 then dim Tdepth( 320, 240) else if i = 3 then dim Texture( 320, 240)
2 if x = 0 then randomize timer else i = (i + 1) and &H7FFFFFFF
3 for y = 0 to 239
4 for x = 0 to 319
5 if i = 1 then Tangle(x, y) = (int(atan2((120) - y, (160) - x) * 256 / 3.141593 )) else if i = 2 then Tdepth(x, y) =  (256 * 64 / (sqr((x-(160))*(x-(160)) + (y-(120))*(y-(120))))) else if i = 3  then texture(x, y) = (x or y) shl 16 or (x xor y)* i*2 shl 8 or (x or y)*i else if i > 3 then pset(x, y), texture(((Tangle(x,y) + (160* sin(i * .05))) and 255), ((Tdepth(x,y) + (i *.08 * 120)) and 255))
6 next x, y
7 if inkey$ ="" then 1
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