
Full Version: nice looking 3D engine.
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Quote:I guessing that if someone made it possible to add some darkbasic style commands to load a 3D object or other easy commands in freebasic, someone would be charging for it.
I severly doubt anyone is going to be charging anything for any kind of FB code anytime soon. The Qummunity is too much into the Free/Open Source (ish) way of doing things.
Well actually, I may be in the way of writing my own program to load a 3D model in my own format. Well actually, first exported from .x format and then modified to make it more understandable for me.

At first, the program will reconize something like this:
1. The coordinate points.
2. The variable that uses 3 points to make up a face.

And then soon on, it will reconize multiple meshes and UV coordinates.

I havent wrote the program to actually display the 3D model yet.
that's the spriit
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