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The docs say keywords as HIBYTE are "intrinsic macros". Does this mean they can't be found in header files?
I did a search in the inc folder for HIBYTE and did'nt found it...
they are "built in" into compiler as far as i know
You're right! I found them in DATA lines in rtl.bas

'' name, args, arg[0] to arg[n] names, macro text
''#define RGB(r,g,b) ((cuint(r) shl 16) or (cuint(g) shl 8) or cuint(b))
data "RGB", 3, "R", "G", "B", "((cuint(#R#) shl 16) or (cuint(#G#) shl 8) or cuint(#B#))"

''#define va_arg(a,t) peek( t, a )
data "VA_ARG", 2, "A", "T", "peek( #T#, #A# )"
''#define va_next(a,t) (a + len( t ))
data "VA_NEXT", 2, "A", "T", "(#A# + len( #T# ))"

'#ifndef FB__BIGENDIAN
''#define LOWORD(x) (cuint(x) and &h0000FFFF)
data "LOWORD", 1, "X", "(cuint(#X#) and &h0000FFFF)"
''#define HIWORD(x) (cyint(x) shr 16)
data "HIWORD", 1, "X", "(cuint(#X#) shr 16)"
''#define LOBYTE(x) (cuint(x) and &h000000FF)
data "LOBYTE", 1, "X", "(cuint(#X#) and &h000000FF)"
''#define HIBYTE(x) ((cuint(x) and &h0000FF00) shr 8)
data "HIBYTE", 1, "X", "((cuint(#X#) and &h0000FF00) shr 8)"
''#define BIT(x,y) (((x) and (1 shl (y))) > 0)
data "BIT", 2, "X", "Y", "(((#X#) and (1 shl (#Y#))) <> 0)"
''#define BITSET(x,y) ((x) or (1 shl (y)))
data "BITSET", 2, "X", "Y", "((#X#) or (1 shl (#Y#)))"
''#define BITRESET(x,y) ((x) and not (y))
data "BITRESET", 2, "X", "Y", "((#X#) and not (1 shl (#Y#)))"