
Full Version: FreeType fonts..
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Has anyone ever thought of getting the FreeType library to to cinverted to a .bi to work in freebasic? This sounds like a very interesting library. Though I have no clue if this has been implemented yet.


For it's main purpose to be used in openGL related applications.
Actually it's for a lot more than OpenGL apps. FreeType is THE font rendering library that 99% of Linux GUIs use.

I agree there should be bi files for it, but I'm too lazy.
Quote:Actually it's for a lot more than OpenGL apps. FreeType is THE font rendering library that 99% of Linux GUIs use.

True, I used this along with the jpeg lib to whip up a VC program to create thousands of images with custom text using some old Type1 fonts.

But I'm also too lazy..