
Full Version: multi-line REM ?
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Lies all Lies people can not live with out a TV or a PC anyone who says other wise is a evil dirty lier Smile
I didn't thought I was going to start a debate, :rotfl: .

"#if 0 ... #endif" is a very effective way to do all this, but maybe beginners would appreciate to be able to "read" the code, as BASIC has always been some kind of readable stuff, even for someone who doesn't program all day long.

I think there was a BASIC which used REMSTART and REMEND... But anyway, COMMENT might be too dangerous because it might have been used sometimes as a variable name for a form or anything.

Don't argue about that, #if 0 just do what I was looking for : a simple way to DEBUG code. I think we should avoid it AMAP in releases but while working on a buggy project, it's great.

Thank you all.
There is no need for multiline comments. It is seriously a sad thing that you can't put an apostrophe in front of your code.

Sure, it's wonderful to be able to comment out blocks of code, but a much better way of doing that is to use conditional compilation switches.
beside in FBIde 0.4 you can easily comment block or line of code in and out.
FBIde 0.04 Kicks butt!!!

I had a little test and it's amazingly good!

Von: Line numbers should not be defaulted as ON.
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