
Full Version: Can anyone spot why this keeps crashing?
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Quote:Declare Sub drawflat(a,b,fromX,H)

dim shared FloorMap(9,9) as integer, TextureMap(9,9) as integer
dim shared Textures(9,9) as integer

type Ray
HitX as integer
HitY as integer
HitCount as integer
Far as integer
end type

Dim shared RayData(31) as Ray, TextureHits(9,9) as integer

for i = 0 to 9:for j = 0 to 9
read FloorMap(j,i)
TextureMap(j,i) = int(rnd*256)+1
Textures(j,i)= i
next j:next i

screen 13

x!=5:y!=5Big Grin! = 0

do:A$ = right$(inkey$,1)
if A$ = chr$(27) then end
if A$ = "H" then x! = x! + cos(D!):y!= y! + Sin(D!)
if A$ = "P" then x! = x! - cos(D!):y!= y! - Sin(D!)
if A$ = "K" then D! = D! - .1
if A$ = "M" then D! = D! + .1
if D! <0 then D! = 6.1
if D! > 6.2 then D! = 0

if A$ <> "" then
print D!
for j! = D! - 1 to D! + 1 step (2/32)
Far = 0
do:Far = Far + 1
addX! = addX! + cos(j!)
addY! = addY! + sin(j!)
if FloorMap(int(x!+addX!),int(y!+addY!))<> 0 then exit do
RayData(i).HitX = x!+AddX!
RayData(i).HitY = y!+AddY!
RayData(i).Far = Far
RayData(i).HitCount = TextureHits(x!+AddX!,y!+AddY!)
next j!

for i = 0 to 31
Far = RayData(i).Far
if Far>9 then Far = 9
Height = 200-(10*Far)-(10*Far)

Numerator = RayData(i).HitCount
Denominator= TextureHits(RayData(i).HitX,RayData(i).HitY)
DrawFlat i*10,99-(Height/2), 10*(Numerator/Denominator), Height*2
next i
end if

Data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1

sub drawflat(a,b,fromX,H)
i = fromX -1:for j = 0 to 9:
line (a,b+(j*(H/20)))-step(10,H/20),textures(i,j),bf
next j
end sub

I know I haven't quite figured out texture-mapping (to put it mildly), but I've a feeling the bugs in this (certain area's are just random color-blocks, and it crashes after a random number of moves) are more to do with me impinging on other areas of memory, because my FB doesn't seem to mind me putting in to high indices in arrays, which can be dangerous.

Of course, it may also be my FB version is too old, if nothing goes wrong for ye guys that's probably it.

matt... feeling like a fuc king n00b...

You can delete this, O Moderator, for I ran the code through Old Reliable (QB 1.1) and fixed the bugs myself.

sorry for the spam,

It's not spam. Maybe someone will post some suggestions on your code even though it is fixed.