
Full Version: 3D in FB
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So...the question is: Can you use DirectX in FreeBasic? I have heard rumors that it can't but I never saw the post or whatever said that. If you can't, is OpenGL the next best thing? Thanks for your replies. Smile
Yes, you can use DX in fb, there is even an example of this supplied with fb.

But, since DX uses DCOM, it's a lot of work and, generally speaking, a pain in the arse.

OpenGL us also usable and there are a lot of examples of OpenGL in fb. Also, OpenGL is *much* simpler to use.
ok, thanks for the quick response. Now I can submit to my team members opinion...(glares at bluekeyboard)

actually, wasn't someone redoing some opengl tutorials for fb? or is that just my imagination acting up again?
rel did 4 ogl tuts, check the qb express archives.
Also, a lot of NeHe's tutorials on OpenGL were ported from C++ to FB: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/fb...s/GL/NeHe/

It starts at lesson 5 (3D objects)